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General disposition
Art. 1.- The purpose is to regulate the internal operation of the services provided by the Anahuac Mexico University Library, and to establish the guidelines for its interaction with the user, as well as the rules that the latter must follow.

Art. 2.- The Library will render its services in accordance with the Objectives, Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Policies, and Regulations instituted by the Anahuac Mexico University and will adjust its activities to the institutional calendar defined by the Vice President for Integral Formation.
The users
Art. 3.- The following will be considered as users of the Anahuac Mexico University Library:
I. Internal User: Students, academic staff, graduates, and administrative staff.
II. External User: Institution with which there is a current Interlibrary Loan agreement, and public in general, who seek to make use of the service.

Users are further classified according to the following table:

Type of Users



Loan period



  • Undergraduate Degree
  • Graduate
  • Prepa Anahuac (high school)

Administrative staff

General Collection, Thesis, UNWTO, China


8 days

2 for the same period

Reserve Stack

3 hours

No renewal

Reference, Journal issues

3 hours

No renewal

Videos, CD, DVD, Blu Ray

3 days

2 for the same period

Academic staff

  • Directors
  • Full time
  • Part time

General Collection, Thesis, UNWTO, China


15 days

2 for the same period

Reserve Stack

3 hours

No renewal

Reference, Journal issues

3 hours

No renewal

Videos, CD, DVD, Blu Ray

3 days

3 for the same period

Licenses (Web applications)
• Poll Everywhere
• Socrative
• Kahoot
• Powtoon
• Mentimeter
• Screencastif
• Edpuzzle
• PadLet


15 days

No renewal


General Collection, Thesis, UNWTO, China


8 days

1 for the same period

Reference, Journal issues

3 hours

No renewal

The collections
Art. 4.- The Library holds the following collections:

I. General Collection: comprising books that correspond to the basic bibliography of curricular plans and course outlines, as well as some complementary and general culture topics.

II. References: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Manuals, etc.

III. Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Dissertations and Theses.

IV. Publications of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (South Campus only).

V. Digital Library: Databases and e-books.

VI. Audiovisual Media: Blue Ray, CD, DVD, Videos, and support material in audio and video format.

VII. Periodicals: Journals and newspapers.

VIII. Reserve stack: comprising a copy of the titles with the highest demand.

IX. Tests Library. Comprising psychological evaluation resources (South Campus).

Art. 5.- Because the various collections are created for the sole purpose of reference during the hours or days loaned, as previously established in this Regulation, no user shall retain them beyond the specified time. Likewise, the collections owned by the Anahuac Mexico University Library cannot become part of any personal collection, even if the purpose is to be used as teaching aids.

The services
Art. 6.- For a better academic development of the Anahuac Mexico University, the Library offers the following service hours:

I. Hours.
South and North Campus: Monday to Friday: 7:00 to 22:00 hours.
Saturdays: 9:00 to 14:00 hours.
Exam period (Monday to Friday): 6:30 to 22:00 hours. (South Campus only).

Architecture and Design Library (North Campus): Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 hours.
Graduate Library (North Campus): Monday to Friday 7:00 to 22:00 hours.
Saturdays: 9:00 to 14:00 hours.
Any changes in the Library’s service hours will be informed to users on the institutional website, social media and bulletin boards.

II. Loans:
a) Internal. The access and availability that the internal or external user will have to the various open-shelf collections for use within the Library facilities.

b) Checkout. Format allowing the internal user to remove various collections from the Library facilities and for the periods specified for each collection within this Regulation.

c) Interlibrary. According to the existing agreements, the user can make use of the relevant collections belonging to another Institution, which may reciprocate with the Anahuac Mexico University Libraries, following the guidelines previously established by both institutions.

d) Transnational. Retrieval of articles and/or chapters of books through the institutions with which agreements have been established.

e) Short-term loan. Students may use the collection of reserved, reference or periodical materials for a maximum period of three hours.

f) Technology Services for Teaching and Research. Support for the teaching practice and research activities with technological equipment (South Campus).

User Rights and Obligations
Art. 7.- The following are rights of all users:
a) To receive all the services offered by the Library, unless there is some sanction from Banner.

b) Be entitled to equality in all attributes as a user, based on the community segment to which they belong and the previously established policies.

c) Renew the checked out material through the following options:
a. Directly at the circulation and lending desk.
b. Online before 23:59 hrs.
c. By phone, receiving a code that will serve as proof of the process. Until 21:30 hrs.
North Campus: ext. 8451, 8465, 8306, 7133, 7711
South Campus: ext. 499, 559, 521, 270 and 184

d. Via social media. Until 21:30 hrs.
Facebook: /biblioanahuac
Twitter: @biblioanahuac
WhatsApp sending a message to the number:
North Campus:
South Campus:

e. When the material has a reserve request, the renewal shall not be authorized.

d) Receive, from the Library staff, the necessary support to use and retrieve documentary sources and resources.

e) Receive instruction for an optimal use of the resources and information sources.

f) Receive information of the status of their loan and reserve requests, as well as of any debts on their record, through electronic alerts.

g) Be allowed access to all Library resources.

h) Make internal use of all open-shelf collections.

i) Make use of checkouts and renewals (only if registered within the Library’s ALMA System).

j) Have access to individual and collaborative study halls.

Art. 8.- The following are obligations of all users:
a) Know and adhere to this Regulation.

b) Register upon entering any of the Library's areas.

c) Show a valid ID card to request any type of loan.

d) Return and/or renew the material on the due date.

e) If the user has a book that has a reserve status, they may not renew it.

f) In the cases of an Interlibrary loan, they must comply with and observe the established criteria.

g) Pay any fines resulting from late return of the materials.

h) Make proper use of all the services offered by the Library.

i) Safeguard the integrity of the works borrowed.

j) Follow the signs present in the Library facilities.

k) Care for the furnishing and equipment of the various areas of the Library.

l) Observe the opening and closing times of the Library facilities and of the restricted access areas.

m) Observe the provisions for the use of each of the study halls within the Library:
a. Collaborative study. Teamwork. Talking is allowed. Consuming food and beverages is forbidden.
b. Individual study. Talking is discouraged, and consuming food and beverages and using cell phones is forbidden.
c. Complete silence study. Avoid speaking or making any kind of noise, and consuming food and beverages is forbidden.

n) Respect the non-smoking areas.

o) Take care of their own belongings and personal effects.

p) In the Library’s Academic Information Banks (SABIA, for its Spanish acronym) (South Campus).
a. Avoid the use of video games or surfing on websites with content that is contrary to the Anahuac Mexico University philosophy.
b. Avoid installing software, saving personal files and installing screen savers.
c. The Library shall not be held responsible for any devices forgotten in the halls.
q) Return all documents checked out and pay any fees for overdue returns.

r) Allow the authorized personnel to search your belongings when the security sensors get activated.

s) Respect the copyright on the works in the collections held by the Library of the Anahuac Mexico University.

t) Do not enter the Library under the effects of alcohol and/or toxic substances.

u) On the use of Licenses (web applications)
a) The loaning of licenses is exclusive for full-time and part-time professors of the Anahuac Mexico University.
b) The users of the apps must share with the university community the materials generated, as support for other professors.
c) It is the professor's obligation to use the license for their teaching at the Anahuac University.
d) The use of the license is solely and exclusively for professors. It may not be loaned to the students, nor are students allowed to use it.
e) License use will be the responsibility of the professor who requested it. Therefore, he or she must take care of it and use it under the terms established herein.
f) The professor can request up to two licenses per term, and may renew them one more time.
g) In the case of EdPuzzle, the license will be loaned to a generic institutional e-mail and for the same period as other licenses (15 days).
h) Once the loan period has expired, it will be automatically deactivated.

Art. 9.- Users’ failure to comply or any breach of this Regulation and its rules will result in the levying of sanctions, which will be dependent on the circumstances and classified as follows:





bibliographic material

Per day and per copy

Per day and per copy

reference, reserve stack, and periodical material

Per hour and per copy


Per hour and per copy

Overdue licenses (Academic staff)

Not applicable

Per day and per license

Book loss; mutilated,
stained or wet book.

Replacement of the title in the same or a newer edition.

Payment of fine generated upon reporting the loss.

Replacement of the title in the same or next edition.

Payment of fine generated upon reporting the loss.

Overdue Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - Anahuac Mexico University

Payment of a fine to the library of the lending institution.

Cover all expenses caused by the delay in the return of said material.

Freeze file until both debts are paid.

Payment of a fine to the library of the lending institution.

Payment of a $50.00 fine to the Anahuac Mexico University Library.

Freeze file until both debts are paid.

Loss of material or damage to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Replace the material Cover all expenses incurred.

Replace the material Cover all expenses incurred.

Removal of materials

Library services will be suspended.
The breach will be reported to the university council, who will dictate the corresponding sanction.

Library services will be suspended.
The breach will be reported to the university council, who will dictate the corresponding sanction.

Note: The user will be able to deliver the material to another service area only if the area where they requested the loan is closed. Failure to return the material on time in these circumstances will result in the corresponding fine. No fines will be waived in these cases.





Due to system failures in online renovation

Show screen shot or photo.

Show screen shot or photo.

Due to accident and/or serious illness

With medical and/or hospitalization record.

With medical and/or hospitalization record.

Due to natural phenomena

Airplane tickets, bus tickets, and/or lodging bill.

With airplane tickets, bus tickets, and/or lodging bill.

Due to legal problems (theft of car with the material inside, armed robbery)

With legal record, police report, tow truck receipt.

With legal record, police report, tow truck receipt.

Technology Service for Teaching and Research (SETEDI) (South Campus)
Art. 10.- To obtain the Technology Service, you must be a student, professor, or administrative staff of the Anahuac Mexico University.

Art. 11.- Be registered in the Library system.

Art. 12.- Read and sign the service policy document the first time the technology service is requested.
Borrow the technological equipment, users must present their current ID card.
The SETEDI equipment is for exclusive use within the University facilities and is only provided to internal users. In exceptional cases, the Library director and/or the director of the School or Faculty may authorize the use of the equipment outside the University Campus, prior to which a printed or electronic request must be submitted.

Art. 13.- This loan is not subject to any form of renewal.

Art. 14.- Users will be responsible for the proper use and care of the equipment; therefore, they must:
a) Handle it appropriately, according to the characteristics of the equipment.
b) Avoid exposing the materials and equipment to climatic environments that may cause damage or even loss thereof.
c) Avoid repairing any malfunctions of the equipment.
d) In case of malfunction, report it immediately to the staff in charge of the SETEDI.
e) Be careful with sensitive parts of the equipment or materials (projector lenses).
f) Avoid leaving audiovisual materials or equipment unattended in classrooms.
g) Cover the total cost in the following cases: replacement for loss, or repair of damages caused to the equipment.
h) At the end of the loan period, the student must return the equipment complete and in good physical and functional condition, a situation that the SETEDI staff must verify in the presence of the user.
i) Return the equipment on the date and time indicated; otherwise, the following policies will apply:

Type of material



Laptop or accessory.


$100.00 (for each item registered).




Cable (any type), screen.



Any equipment or accessory.

Total or partial loss, damage, mutilation, or misuse.

The total cost must be paid.

Any equipment or accessory.

Abandoning it in a classroom or area.

The late fee for at least one day must be paid and, if necessary, the case will be submitted to the immediate higher authority.

Other Provisions
Art. 15.- The Library staff will deliver to the circulation and lending desk all lost & found items. In the case of electronic devices, only the security staff of the University can collect them from the different areas of the facilities, and they will be kept for a maximum period of one week from the day of their finding. After this period, the items will be sent to the General Services area. The Library shall not be held responsible for any items introduced into the facilities. In no case can the Library be held responsible for items or identity documents abandoned in its facilities. Said items will be sent to General Services.


CHAPTER IX Transitories

Art. 16.- Anahuac Mexico University users must know and observe the provisions contained herein; therefore, ignorance of these terms will not excuse the users of any liabilities resulting from their failure to comply.

Art. 17.- Unforeseen events not contained herein will be resolved by the director of the Anahuac Mexico University Library.

Art. 18.- This Regulation shall be effective as of March 1, 2019.

Art. 19.- The provisions contained in the previous Regulation are henceforth void.

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