Program Statistics
The program has been enriched by students coming from many different countries. With 32 nationalities in the past programs (2022), the cultural and bioethical exchange has been stimulating for both students and teachers.

Besides coming from thirty-two different countries, students also have various religious affiliations. This diversity greatly enriches the program.

Our students have a wide range of professional backgrounds and areas of expertise. This variety of backgrounds and points of view enhanced the learning experience. Some students work in professions that require them to learn to make decisions in bioethics. Others are preparing to further develop themselves in the field of bioethics.

The Master of Global Bioethics has attracted students with different higher education levels. 47 had a previous master's degree, and 16 had a PhD.

With the collaboration of the three institutions —Pontifical Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights and the School of Bioethics of the Anahuac University— 22 professors from 8 nationalities attended to needs of the students.