Brand trust on open television networks and its consequences after a mega-disaster in an emergent country |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Comunicacao Midia e Consumo |
Using international sport events as part of a brand construction strategy: The case of the destination brand Mexico |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
The role of the categorization process on the influence of a famous football player on the evaluations of a football team |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
The effect of conditional cash transfers on reporting violence against women to the police in Mexico |
José R. Balmori-de-la-Miyar |
International Review of Law and Economics |
El rostro pobre de la diabetes en México |
Marcela de-la-Sota |
Investigación económica |
University-industry linkage and technology transfer management. A quantitative study of an entrepreneurial university |
Lizbeth Puerta-Sierra |
Journal of Management Development |
Patterns in international ICT entrepreneurship: Mexico’s case |
Guillermo Larios-Hernández |
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración |
Aproximación teórica de la innovación en las organizaciones: Antecedentes y perspectivas de investigación |
Antonio A. Arriaga-Martínez; Víctor M. Roque-López |
Revista de El Colegio de San Luis |
La curva de rendimiento y su relación con la actividad económica en México |
Leovardo Mata-Mata |
Contaduría y Administración |
La relevancia de valor del EVA y la utilidad por acción (UPA) bajo volatilidad económica: Caso México 1998-2012 |
Julio Téllez-Pérez |
Espacios |
La teoría de las áreas monetarias óptimas: una actualización a la luz de la experiencia europea |
Alfonso Brown-del-Rivero |
Economía UNAM |
Tying Strong Ties In Informal Entrepreneurship: A Constraint Or An Entrepreneurial Driver? |
Cristian Villanueva-Santillán; Adrianela Angeles-Garnica; Luz Cecilia-Revilla |
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship |
From Ownership to Access: How the Sharing Economy is Changing the Consumer Behavior |
Dorian Laurentiu-Florea |
Amfiteatru economic |
A model of fans’ reaction to resurrected brands of sport organizations |
Dorian Laurentiu-Florea |
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship |
Adoption of fitness wearables: Insights from partial least squares and qualitative comparative analysis |
Pavel Reyes-Mercado |
Journal of Systems and Information Technology |
El efecto de las instituciones en el crecimiento económico de América Latina |
José C. González-Núñez |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos |
Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems Using a Self-Tuning Controller to Distribute the Available Potable Water with Equality |
Rafael Carmona-Bénitez |
Water Resources Management |
ARIMA + GARCH + Bootstrap forecasting method applied to the airline industry |
María R. Nieto-Delfín; Rafael Carmona-Bénitez |
Journal of Air Transport Management |
The consumer welfare effects of slot concentration and reallocation: A study of Mexico City International Airport |
Víctor H. Valdés-Cervantes |
Transportation Research Part A |
Introduction to Special Issue: Airport infrastructure management and the impact on competition conditions, efficiency and consumer welfare |
Víctor H. Valdés-Cervantes |
Transportation Research Part A |