Analyzing campaign’s outcome in reward-based crowdfunding: Social capital as a determinant factor |
Karla Barajas-Portas; Pilar Madrazo-Lemarroy; Maria E. Labastida-Tovar |
Internet Research |
Efectos de corto y largo plazo de los programas de condonación de créditos fiscales en la recaudación del Impuesto al Valor Agregado |
Leovardo Mata-Mata; Jaime Beltrán-Godoy |
Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas |
BFE Model–Business, Family and Environment–as Subsystems of the Family-Owned Business in Mexico City Metropolitan Area |
Leovardo Mata-Mata; Itzel López-Castro |
Resources |
Rearomatization of trifluoromethyl sulfonyldihydropyridines: Thermolysis vs photolysis |
Guillermo Chans |
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry |
Effect of experimental aging on the performance of Al-7.9Mg-13.3Zn and Al-10.5Mg-8.6Zn alloys as sacrificial anodes |
Aline Hernández-García |
Metals |
A Stackelberg security Markov game based on partial information for strategic decision making against unexpected attacks |
Silvia E. Albarrán |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
Prices of Mexican Wholesale Electricity Market: An Application of Alpha-Stable Regression |
Brenda Retana-Blanco |
Sustainability |
The Effect of the Indium(III) Phthalocyanine Chloride Films on the Behavior of Flexible Devices of Flat and Disperse Heterojunction |
María E. Sánchez-Vergara |
Coatings |
Nanostructural Modification of PEDOT:PSS for High Charge Carrier Collection in Hybrid Frontal Interface of Solar Cells |
María E. Sánchez-Vergara |
Polymers |
New Approaches in Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) Using InClPc |
León Hamui-Balas; María E. Sánchez-Vergara |
Materials |
Doping of molecular materials based on ferrocene and the study of their properties as organic semiconductors for their application in optoelectronic devices |
María E. Sánchez-Vergara |
Journal of Molecular Structure |
CuPc: Effects of its Doping and a Study of Its Organic-Semiconducting Properties for Application in Flexible Devices |
María E. Sánchez-Vergara; José R. Álvarez-Bada |
Materials |
Aproximación a curvas de mortalidad a través de una propuesta no paramétrica: el caso del modelo de Heligman y Pollard |
Eliud Silva-Urrutía |
Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos |
Comparison of the costs of the defined-benefit and the defined-contribution schemes under an actuarial methodology |
José. D. López-Barrientos |
Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas |
Validity of the Montreal battery of evaluation of Amusia: An analysis using structural equation modeling |
Aldebarán Toledo-Fernández |
Studia Psychologica |
The Selfer, personality in a virtual paradigm. An ethnomethodological study on the Subject of the selfie |
Alejandro González-González; Esteban Salinas-Mercado Alejandro González-González; Esteban Salinas-Mercado |
Language and Psychoanalysis |
Desarrollo de una herramienta para evaluar y jerarquizar necesidades psicosociales en pacientes pediátricos con cáncer |
María F. Busqueta-Mendoza; Alejandra Borunda-Garduño; Clara Laska-Mervitch; y Mariana Torres-Rodríguez |
Revista Mexicana de Pediatría |
A novel experimental paradigm to evaluate children and adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Comparison with two standard neuropsychological methods |
Ernesto Reyes-Zamorano |
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology |
Breve historia sobre la marihuana en Occidente |
Diana Betancourt-Ocampo; Alejandro González-González; Héctor Romo-Parra; Perla Leal-Galicia |
Revista de Neurología |
Probiotics and Prebiotics as a Therapeutic Strategy to Improve Memory in a Model of Middle-Aged Rats |
Alejandra Romo-Araiza; Gabriela Gutiérrez-Salmeán; Héctor Romo-Parra; Juan A. Ibarra-Arias; Valentina García-Contreras |
Frontiers in aging Neuroscience |