Comercio Administrado y Política Medioambiental bajo Competencia Imperfecta |
Alberto Gallegos-David |
Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas |
Why are cognitive abilities of children so different across countries? The link between major socioeconomic factors and PISA test scores |
María E. Labastida-Tovar |
Personality and Individual Differences |
The Wealth of Nations: A Cross Country Analysis of Entrepreneurial Abilities, Innovation in STEM and Competitiveness in Education |
María E. Labastida-Tovar |
Psychology and Education |
The higher intelligence of the ‘creative minority’ provides the infrastructure for entrepreneurial innovation |
María E. Labastida-Tovar |
Intelligence |
"Premio al riesgo histórico del mercado de capitales como estimador del esperado: un estudio del caso mexicano" |
Laura Zuñiga-Feria |
Espacios |
Análisis de la (re)composición del sistema financiero mexicano en el periodo 2007-2014 |
Análisis de la (re)composición del sistema financiero mexicano en el periodo 2007-2014 |
David Juárez-Luna |
The categorisation of brands: The case of P&G™ branding strategy |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
International Journal of Psychology |
Material values: A study of some antecedents and consequences |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Contaduria y Administracion |
Creative Self-Efficacy: The Influence of Affective States and Social Persuasion as Antecedents and Imagination and Divergent Thinking as Consequences |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Creativity Research Journal |
Creative self-efficacy: the role of self-regulation for schoolwork and boredom as antecedents, and divergent thinking as a consequence |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Social Psychology of Education |
The influence of creative mindsets on achievement goals, enjoyment, creative self-efficacy and performance among business students |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Thinking Skills and Creativity |
An examination of certain antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions among Mexico residents |
Rogelio Puente-Díaz |
Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios |
Passenger Facility Charges in Privatised Mexican Airports |
Laura Sour-Vargas |
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy |
Gobierno electrónico y corrupción en México (2005-2010) |
Laura Sour-Vargas |
Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales |
Esfuerzo fiscal de las entidades federativas mexicanas durante el periodo 2004 al 2012 |
Laura Sour-Vargas |
Economía teoría y práctica |
Avances en la cantidad de la información financiera del sector público en México a raíz de la LGCG |
Laura Sour-Vargas |
Contaduría y Administración |
Metodología para elaborar leyes de posibilidad de retirada del cliente: una aplicación al sector del vestido |
Mauricio Ortigosa-Hernández |
Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa |
Blockchain entrepreneurship opportunity in the practices of the unbanked |
Guillermo Larios-Hernández |
Business Horizons |
Value contributions of the venture capitalist in Mexico: building an exit for the investment |
Enrique G. Wiencke-Olivares |
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation |
An adaptive random search for short term generation scheduling with network constraints |
Héctor Selley-Rojas |
Plos One |