Global Bioethics
Henk TEN HAVE studied medicine and philosophy at Leiden University, the Netherlands. He received his medical degree in 1976 from Leiden University and his philosophy degree in 1983. He worked as a researcher in the Pathology Laboratory, University of Leiden (1976-1977), as a practicing physician in the Municipal Health Services, City of Rotterdam (1978-1979), and as a Professor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Limburg, Maastricht (1982-1991). From 1991, he was a Professor of Medical Ethics and the Director of the Department of Ethics, Philosophy and History of Medicine in the University Medical Centre Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In September 2003, he joined UNESCO as Director of the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology, working at the Headquarters in Paris, France. Since July 2010 he is Director of the Center for Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, USA. In 2011, he was appointed as Adjunct Professor at King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Concept of Human Person in Bioethics and Global Bioethics
Maria Elizabeth DE LOS RIOS URIARTE holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Cum Laude. She also graduated from a Master of Science in Bioethics at Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City. Cum Laude. She also, holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Universidad Iberoamericana. Cum Laude. Her areas of interest are multiculturalism, postmodernism, violence and migration. She has worked at different Universities at Mexico City and she is currently a Professor at Universidad Anáhuac and Universidad Panamericana.
Clinical and Bioethical Aspects at the Beginning of Life
Dominique J. MONLEZUN, M.D., Ph.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. is a physician-data scientist and bioethicist dedicated to helping heal humanity, by first healing medicine. He develops novel artificial intelligence (AI)-guided population health, policies, and ethics to unite diverse communities globally around data-driven solutions to the world's most urgent challenges. He serves as the Chief Data Scientist for Global System Analytics & Structures, and Senior Data Scientist & Biostatistician for M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Cardiac Catheterization Lab, UT-Houston Cardiovascular Medicine, and formerly for Tulane School of Medicine’s Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine. He provides internal medicine care for underserved, immigrant, and prison patient populations in the southern United States. He co-founded the preventive cardiology field of culinary medicine, designing and publishing on its first cohort and randomized trials while serving as the Principal Investigator for its largest trial, Cooking for Health Optimization (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03443635), stretching across 60+ institutions globally. He additionally serves as Director of Global Systems Research for the United Nations/UNESCO Chair in Bioethics & Human Rights. He has authored or co-authored 250+ peer-reviewed manuscripts, presentations, and book chapters in the scientific and ethical literature, and serves on the editorial boards and as a reviewer for 15+ peer-reviewed journals. Following his MD, he earned his first PhD in the biostatistical application of AI within public health for global health management and policy, and his second PhD in global bioethics specifically as applied to AI.
Martha TARASCO holds a Medical Doctor Degree at Anahuac University. During the year of 1992 she received Bioethics training, and a stay of almost 3000 hours, with a specialization degree in Bioethics at the Universidad del Sacro Cuore in Rome, headquarters of the Agostino Gemelli Hospital In 1993, Anahuac University opened the first Master of Bioethics in Mexico.
In 1999 she obtained a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela. In 2002 and 2005 she completed the Specialization Course in Phonetics at the University of Salamanca, Spain. In 2000, she participated in the founding of Bioethics Faculty at the Anahuac University, where she was named Executive Director. From July 2004 till today, she has been a researcher and professor at the Faculty of Bioethics, as well as Editorial Coordinator of the Journal of Medicine and Ethics.
Her publications in Bioethics and Medicine include (41 research articles, 42 chapters in books, editor of 11 books, (two of them with 2 and 4 reeditions). Former President of the National Mexican Academy of Bioethics, 2014 to 2016. She is a Counselor of the National Bioethics Commission 2015 to date. Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2006 valid for 2022. Research Scholar of the UNESCO - Rome Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights from 2006 to date.
Trends and Currents of Thought in Bioethics
Marta ALBERT I am a full professor of Philosophy of Law and Director of the Master’s Degree in Bioethics at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. I am also a visiting professor at the Master’s Degree in Bioethics of the Giovanni Paolo II Institute and the Sacro Cuore University of Rome, Italy, and at the Master’s Degree in Bioethics of the UCAV (Ávila, Spain). My publications in Bioethics, Foundations of Bioethics and Biolaw include 33 research articles, 28 chapters in books, and I am the editor of 5 books. I am also a frequent lecturer on these topics. My last two books are concerned with research on the methodological questions of bioethics (“The triangular method in the teaching of bioethics”) and the problems related to gender identity (“Who am I? The right to gender identity: biology and feelings in the construction of postmodern legal identity”).
Bioethics and Medical Act
Paul I. LEE is currently a professor at both the Sogang University and Nicholas Cardinal Cheong Graduate School for Life, the Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. He is also a visiting professor at the Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy. He obtained his M.D. Degree at School of Medicine, the Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea in 1969, his Master’s Degree in Bioethics at Nicholas Cardinal Cheong Graduate School for Life, the Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea in 2009 and his Doctorate in Bioethics at the Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy in 2013. He is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. His primary interest in Bioethics is “Dignity and Equity in Women’s Health Issues.”
Bioethics, Sexuality and Human Reproduction
Joseph THAM was in Hong Kong and immigrated to Toronto at the age of 15 years. He devoted his early training to the field of life and health, eventually graduating in Medicine at the University of Toronto, before working as a physician at Etobicoke General Hospital and St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto. After his priestly ordination in 2004, he has devoted his energies to the publication and dissemination of bioethical research. In 2007, Tham presented his doctoral thesis on “The Secularization of Bioethics,” a work which treats the historical development of secularization and its impact on the relationship between theology, religion and bioethics. He currently continues to explore the issue of secularism, moral relativism, pluralism and different models of bioethics, as well as the response from the Catholic moral tradition founded on natural law and personalism. Tham’s diverse educational undertaking has brought him to offered courses and conferences in Europe, America and Asia the English, Chinese, Spanish and Italian languages.
He is currently a Full Professor at the School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University, Visiting Professor of the Holy Spirit Seminary College in Hong Kong and Fellow of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights.
Bioethics and Health Management / Health Care Policies
Colleen M. GALLAGHER PhD, LSW, FACHE, has worked in the fields of social work and health care ethics since 1985. She received her Doctoral degree in Bioethics in Health Care Professions and Social Work from The Union Institute and University. In June 2008, Dr. Gallagher joined the staff at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, where she is the Chief and Executive Director, of the Section of Integrated Ethics in Cancer Care, and an Associate Professor, in the Department of Critical Care. Previously, she served as System Director of Clinical Ethics for Resurrection Health Care in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Gallagher is a national leader in health care ethics. She has worked in the fields of social work and health care ethics since 1985. As the Section Chief of Integrated Ethics in Cancer Care, Dr. Gallagher oversees a network of clinical rounds, ethics consults and research. She has authored and co-authored peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and made presentations on a broad range of topics in the field of health care ethics. She holds appointments on various national and international committees, including Food and Drug Administration Molecular Devices Committee, International Ethics Expert for both UNESCO Chair in Science and Technology and UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights. She has served also as Co-Chair of Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs Committee for American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH); Ethicist for the Healthcare Quality Professional Task Team of the National Association for Healthcare Quality, and several others.
Bioethics and Biolaw
Alberto GARCÍA GÓMEZ is Doctor in Law from Complutense University in Madrid. Presently, he is Dean of the School of Bioethics and Professor of Philosophy of Law and International Law at the School of Bioethics of Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome. He is also the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, established at the Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum and the European University of Rome. Furthermore, he is a researcher of the Human Rights Institute at Complutense University. For 5 years, he has been member of the Steering Committee of Bioethics in the Council of Europe and in 2005 he has been honored with the National Prize of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors in the field of legal and social sciences.
Assistant Professor
Lílian RIBEIRO SANTOS, was born the Estate of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Currently, she is a PhD student of Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, in Rome, Italy. In 2019, she obtained a master’s degree in Bioethics (summa cum laude). She also holds a degree in Education and Development by Anáhuac University and a degree in Religious Science by Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. Lílian worked in the educational field in Spain, Venezuela and Ireland. Now she is an assistant professor of Bioethics and Biolaw and she is collaborating with different projects in the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Humans Rights in Rome. Her areas of interest are Global Bioethics, Multiculturalism, Human Rights and Transhumanism.
Assistant Professor
Giulia BOVASSI is actually Intern at the Italian Committee for Bioethics (CNB) and also PhD Candidate in Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (APRA) in Rome (Italy). She obtained her Master's Degree in Bioethics (summa cum laude) at the same University, discussing the thesis "Pharmacological Neuro-Enhancement and Bioethical Dilemmas. The Need for a New Bridge to the Future". Previously, she graduated in Philosophy (BA) at the University of Padua (Italy). At the same time, she is completing her Diploma in "Human Security and Sustainable Development" at the Institute for International and Political Studies in Milan (Italy). She started her studies in Bioethics by obtaining the Diploma at the Masterclass in Bioethics offered by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome and, subsequently, by obtaining the Diploma at the Masterclass in Neuro-bioethics and Trans-humanism, promoted by the Neurobioethics Research Group of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights at UPRA. In the meantime, she also continued her philosophical studies by obtaining a Post-graduate Degree in Philosophical Counseling and Existential Anthropology, offered by the European University of Rome and APRA, whose thesis was published in the volume "The Echo of Solidity. The nostalgia of the recall between liquid anthropology and post-humanism". (2017). She deals with educational activities, research and training in academic, cultural and political fields on bioethical issues. She is author of several publications, including "Bioethics Guide for Earthlings. From Fulton Sheen to Cybersex" (2020). She collaborates with the UNESCO Chair and her fields of interest are mainly Neurobioethics, Transhumanism and Bioesthetics.
Ethical Fundamentals of Bioethics
Laura PALAZZANI Professor of Philosophy of Law, LUMSA University in Rome; Vice-President of the Italian Committee for Bioethics (since 2007) at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; she is member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, European Commission (2010-2015 and again since 2017); Italy’s official delegate to the Committee on Bioethics DH-BIO, Council of Europe (since 2014); member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (since 2016).
Emerging Technologies and Global Bioethics: neuro-nano-info technologies
Mariel KALKACH APARICIO holds a MD degree by Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte, finished studies of Bioethics Master’s program, with a focus in neuroscience at the Bioethics Faculty by the same university and collaboration of the Hospital General de Mexico. She is currently a visiting scholar at Georgetown University, where she works as a fellow in the Neuroethics Studies group with Professor James Giordano as her supervisor. Her areas of interest are Neuroethics in general, bioethics and technologies, bioethics and social issues, although she has mainly focused in first tradition Neuroethics issues (specifically conscience and consciousness) and the general phenomenon of Neuroethics. She has worked at Universidad Anahuac South Campus as an ethics and bioethics professor and as a researcher and a coordinator of the Neuroethics area development, as the group BINCA, at the North Campus in Mexico City.
Bioethical and Clinical Aspects at the End of Life
Vicente BELLVER CAPELLA Doctor of Law, Professor of Philosophy of Law and Director of the Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics of the University of Valencia. He has been Deputy Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Valencia, Director of the Menéndez Pelayo International University Center (UIMP) in the Valencian Community, General Director of Scientific Policy of the Generalitat Valenciana and member of the Bioethics Steering Committee of the Council of Europe. He is currently a member of the Welfare Bioethics Committee of the La Fe Department of Health of Valencia and the Public Health Center of the Generalitat Valenciana. Member of the Bioethics Committee of Spain. Member of the Pro-Vita Academy.
Global Bioethics and International Human Rights: The Human Right to Health
Margherita DAVERIO Degree in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Milan, has a PhD in History and Theory of European Law in the 2nd University of Rome – Tor Vergata. After the PhD she developed a three years research project on biopolitics and parenthood. She is now a researcher at LUMSA University (Rome) within the EU funded research project i-CONSENT on informed consent in clinical research and works in the same university as assistant of Laura Palazzani, full professor of Philosophy of Law.
Public Health Ethics
John LUNSTROTH is a Fellow of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights (Rome, Italy). He is an ethicist in the broad, non-naturalist sense. He practiced commercial law for about 20 years before returning to school in 2002, first for an LLM in health law and policy at the University of Houston Law Center (2004), and then for an MPH from Columbia University (2007). He has published on the regulation of alternative medicine, ethics of human experimentation, neuroethics, law of war, the theory of public international law and human rights, and on the intellectual history of the western tradition (focusing on law). He has taught health and human rights, public health law, history of the law of war, and historicist legal theory. He has studied the history and philosophy of medicine (Chinese medicine, homeopathy and scientific medicine) and science.
Cross-cultural Dialogue in Global Bioethics
Chris DURANTE holds a PhD in Ethics from the Religion & Culture area of the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University, a MA in Religious Studies from Georgia State University and a MSc in Philosophy of Mental Disorder from King’s College London. As an interdisciplinary scholar, he has research and teaching interests in Bioethics, Comparative Religious Ethics, and Moral & Political Philosophy. His publications have appeared in journals such as: the American Journal of Bioethics; the Journal of Religious Ethics; Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy; the Journal of Global Ethics; and the Journal of Church & State. In the past he held a research internship at the Hastings Center for Bioethics and Public Policy; was a researcher in collaboration with the Religion & Globalization Initiative of McGill University and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation; served as a course lecturer in both the Faculty of Religious Studies and the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University; and, has taught in both the Department of Philosophy at St. John’s University and the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies at Marymount Manhattan College. Currently, he resides in New York City, where he is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Religious Studies Program at New York University.
Bioethics and Social Problems
Claudia RUIZ SOTOMAYOR Born in Mexico City, Claudia holds an M.D from Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, in Chihuahua, Mexico. She also graduated with a Master’s degree in Bioethics from Anahuac University in Mexico City, and she graduated with a Doctorate in Bioethics from Loyola University in Chicago Il, USA. Currently, she is a Fellow in Clinical Bioethics at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston TX., USA. Her areas of interest are multiculturalism, Bioethics and social justice, immigration, clinical ethics.
Bioethics and Environment
María Ángeles MARTÍN has a doctorate in biology from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has been a professor at the University Católica de Ávila, San Pablo CEU and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. In 2006 she received a Fulbright scholarship to pursue a master's degree in environmental policy at the Yale University School of Forestry. Her teaching areas are environmental impact assessment and landscape planning and environmental ethics. She has focused environmental conflicts resolution where she has published a book Mundi prensa with the Yale professor Susan Clark.