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Research Colloquium Summer 2022

Versión en español





Research is a priority in our University and Bioethics Faculty. This is built through exercises of academic solidity and forums for constructive criticism and dialogue, always looking four continuous improvement of our research lines, projects and products.

Because of that, we consider necessary to begin working among peers and encourage ongoing research from both teachers and students, as well as other researchers from health institutions or superior education that wish to present their ongoing research progress or results from previous works and thereby promote the science and cultural development of bioethics in our country.

Therefore, we established this place to present and share our knowledge and development ideas, in an attentive and respectful environment. Listening, but looking for feedback that contribute and enriches the works and advances in the research.


Aiming to


Anyone that wishes to present his/her research works, looking to receive feedback from academic peers as well as internal and external researchers. It is not necessary to be student of any of our programs at the Faculty of Bioethics, but the topic to be presented must be related to this discipline.


General goal


To facilitate a dialogue, constructive criticism and feedback ambience that allows detecting opportunity areas in the different research works on the Bioethics area to strengthen a bioethics knowledge culture.


Fecha: Friday, June 10th, 2022

Horario: 9:00 a 13:30 hrs. (Mexico City´s time)



9:00 a 10:50 hrs.
Inaugural conference
“Retraction of articles in indexed scientific journals: causes and reasons”.

Prof. Karina Ordoñez, Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile.

10:00 a 12:00 hrs.
Research communications in progress or results.

Doctorate level research students.

12:00 a 13:30 hrs.
Research papers in progress or results of previous research.

Master's, bachelor’s, or external students.



Structure and requirements to present communications:


The student, professor or researcher must present some advance from his research (statement of the problem or research question, introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, measurement instruments, results, etc.).

Maximum exposition time 15 minutes. (The time may vary considering the number of researchers who wish to present their work.)

A maximum amount of 12 people will present. (Quantity may vary)

Feedback will be given at the at the end of each exposition and in a maximum of 5 to 7 minutes.


Minimum structure required for registration:

  1. Title of what is going to be presented.
  2. Summary between 250-300 words.


For the exposition:

  1. Can use visual aids or not
  2. Can read the advances
  3. Explicit bibliographic sources


Those interested should send this information to the email:
in Word, Arial 12, 1.5 spacingno later than June 1st, 2022.


Exhibitors and the public must register to receive the Zoom link.

Register here


NOTE: Interested parties will be registered in the order in which their proposals are received.


Other considerations:

  • The papers that wish to be published in the Colloquium research booklet must comply with the regulations that will be sent in due time. No work will be included if it does not comply with the established guidelines and times.
  • Certificate of participation will be issued ONLY to the speakers.





fotoDra. Marieli de los Ríos Uriarte

Instituto de Humanismo en Ciencias de la Salud
Tel.: (55) 56 27 02 10 Ext. 8319