Luis F. Llanos-Reynoso
SNI nivel 1
Temas: comportamiento y diseño organizacional
(55) 5627 0210, ext. 8431
In two studies, we tested the conceptualization of creative mindsets as latent classes, and examined several social and affective consequences of class membership. Business students completed a battery of questionnaires assessing creative personal identity, creative mindsets, social comparisons, pride, gratitude, anger, and sadness.
Social enterprises need to develop processes that create social value to solve social problems. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of marketing capability on social innovation and its effect on social and economic value creation, while controlling for firm size among social enterprises in Mexico. An explanatory and cross-sectional design was used to test the hypotheses: 118 social business managers were interviewed and structural equation modeling was used to test our research hypotheses.
Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was twofold. First, we examined the influence of cognitive feelings and content information on evaluations of sports brands coming from sports goods manufacturing. Second, we examined if the hypothesized mediation effect of cognitive feelings was moderated by experiential thinking style.
Purpose – The purpose of this investigation was to examine the influence of mindsets on consumers’ reactions to a negative event involving a corporate brand.
Los múltiplos de capital son razones financieras ampliamente utilizadas por los analistas financieros con el propósito de tomar decisiones de inversión en acciones (P) de las empresas que cotizan en los mercados bursátiles. Los dos principales indicadores son el precio de la acción a utilidad neta (PU) y el valor mercado a valor en libros (P/VL). Ambos múltiplos tienen como factor común la perspectiva del mercado con respecto al valor en libros de la utilidad neta y el capital contable.
Los múltiplos de capital son razones financieras ampliamente utilizadas por los analistas financieros con el propósito de tomar decisiones de inversión en acciones (P) de las empresas que cotizan en los mercados bursátiles. Los dos principales indicadores son el precio de la acción a utilidad neta (PU) y el valor mercado a valor en libros (P/VL). Ambos múltiplos tienen como factor común la perspectiva del mercado con respecto al valor en libros de la utilidad neta y el capital contable.
The purpose of this article is to examine the strategic relationship between trade policy in a managed protection regime and commercial exchange at prices below normal value. It presents a three-stage model of imperfect competition that incorporates the possibility for the government authority to influence the production decisions of companies through a credible threat, by means of a specific tariff.
SNI nivel 1
Temas: comportamiento y diseño organizacional
(55) 5627 0210, ext. 8431