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Key facts

Religious affiliation:

Catholic, Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ




Mr. Cipriano Sánchez García, Legionary of Christ

Meaning of our name:

"Anáhuac" literally means: "near water." Region of the central lakes that gave a place to the Aztec capital: Tenochtitlán, the most populated and culturally developed center in Central America, where Mexico City now stands and in it, our University.

Strategic Lines

Strategic lines and goals

As a result of the reflection on the institutional Mission and the consideration of the external environment and the internal situation of the Universidad Anáhuac México, the following strategic lines and objectives are proposed to achieve the Vision established for the year 2020 for our North and South Campus.


The Universidad Anáhuac was founded in 1964 as a fundamental part of the educational project of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ with the primary objective of raising the human and social condition of the men and women of Mexico through the student formation.

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