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The Research Skills Development Program of the Anahuac University Mexico City - School of Psychology is one of the projects coordinated by the Anahuac Research Center for Psychology (CAIP) with the aim of providing students of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with the theoretical and methodological elements to carry out a research project, where they are expected to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the courses of the research area that they take as part of their compulsory subjects within the Bachelor's Degree program.

Within the program, students are involved for two semesters in a project counseled by a professor-researcher expert in the research topic, and as a result, by the end of the program, students are expected to have a scientific article with the possibility of being published. In addition, at the end of each semester, students make a presentation of their research project. It is important to mention that, as a substantial part of this program, students are encouraged to adhere to the ethical guidelines in research.