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Message from the DEAN

Carlos Cienfuegos

It’s very clear that Communications and Entertainment today strongly influence people’s lives and involve an extraordinarily broad and diverse field of work ranging from traditional media, live events, social media and digital streaming platforms to video games, marketing and advertising, among others. 


Professionals in these disciplines must understand audiences and markets, the narrative structures of content, different formats such as audio, video and text, distribution channels, whether traditional or digital, remote or in-person, interactions with consumers and the interdependence of advertising and marketing, among many other elements. 


For all the above, our School has two Bachelor’s, five Master’s and two Doctoral degree programs and a research and knowledge creation center that allow us to train students and future graduates with high educational quality and full awareness of their social commitment so that they are able to take on major challenges in these industries and prepared to do what’s right. 


Since our School’s founding in 1970, and assuming our responsibility as professional educators, we have graduated more than 5,000 experts in Communications and Entertainment, individuals who are ethical and committed, great leaders but even better people. 


Welcome to the Anáhuac México University School of Communication! 

Mtro. Josu Garritz Alcalá 
Dean of the School of Communication