The ALCP held its annual congress in Cartagena, Colombia, where experts addressed fundamental topics in bioethics and palliative care, promoting more humanized and ethical care in the region.
The Latin American Association of Palliative Care (ALCP), a non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with advanced diseases in the region, held the XI Latin American Congress of Palliative Care from March 6 to 9, 2024 in Cartagena, Colombia.
This event brought together prominent professionals and experts in palliative care, offering a platform for the exchange of knowledge and the promotion of initiatives in this field.
During the congress, Dr. Elvira Llaca, academic at the Universidad Anáhuac México and member of the Bioethics Committee of said association, actively participated as part of the commission in charge of addressing ethical issues in palliative care.
Her intervention included the conference titled “Relationship of therapeutic adequacy and proportionality”, as well as a workshop on methodology in clinical bioethics, where the challenges and good practices in caring for patients in critical situations were discussed.
The event also served as an excellent opportunity to promote training and professional development programs in palliative care, highlighting the importance of adequate training for professionals in the area. Anáhuac's participation in this congress strengthens its commitment to education and research in bioethics, and enriches the dialogue on humanized and ethical health care.
This congress reaffirms the crucial role of the Latin American Association of Palliative Care and Anáhuac México in promoting standards of care and collecting relevant statistics, fundamental to improving the practice of palliative care throughout Latin America.
More information:
MPSS Regina Castro
MPSS Victoria Abarzua
Facultad de Bioética