With extensive experience in bioethics research and teaching, Hernández Valdez shared with the hospital's health staff her vision on the importance of integrating ethical considerations into clinical practice.
On April 24, 2024, the monthly session of Medical Education between Science and Consciousness was held at the facilities of the Ángeles México Hospital, an event aimed at the health personnel of said hospital and which addressed bioethical reflections on the challenges current in medical practice.
Dr. Patricia Hernández Valdez, coordinator of the online Master's Degree in Bioethics, was the special guest of the day. With extensive experience in bioethics research and teaching, she shared her vision on the importance of integrating ethical considerations into clinical practice.
During her speech she emphasized that “bioethics is fundamental for the reflection of clinical practice in health sciences,” a quote that summarizes the essence of her message, underlining the need to address the ethical dilemmas that arise in the daily practice of medicine.
The presence of Dr. Hernández Valdez is a reflection of the collaboration between the members of the School of Bioethics with other institutions in favor of the development of bioethics in medical practice, thus benefiting the hospital's health personnel, the patients and members of said Faculty, promoting debate and reflection on the branch of ethics in the clinical setting.
More information:
MPSS Silvia Becerra Castro
Facultad de Bioética