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Members of the Master in Global Bioethics celebrate their closing ceremony

Master in Global Bioethics

In the ceremony the students, representing 7 different countries, were presented.


On March 21st, 2023 the members of the Master had their closing ceremony for the 4th class of the Master in Global Bioethics.


The ceremony recognizes the work the students have done to finish the Master. We had two special guests that address the students, Dr. Martha Tarasco and Professor Paul Lee.


Dr. Martha Tarasco, from Mexico City, congratulated the new class of 2023. Her words encourage the students to always have the human person at the center of their work as Bioethicists.


Following the words of Dr. Tarasco, Professor Paul Lee, connected from Seoul Korea, address the students. He gave an inspirational talk, encouraging them to always remember that in every case there is a human person involve and that need the care.


Father Fernando Fabó, director or the School of Bioethics, not being able to participate send his message to the students: "We conclude with an open forum to share experiences in which the students participated by thanking the School of Bioethics, the professors and staff that had made possible for them to finish their studies".


Dr. Girault closed the ceremony inviting them to keep participating in the alumni association. To stay connected with the School of Bioethics. Congratulating them on their effort and sending them to conquer the world to make a better place with their now acquire knowledge. She concluded sending them forth reminding them to follow the motto at the Anahuac University, “Overcoming Evil with Good”


¡Congratulations to the class of 2023!


Más información:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
MPSS Ángela Pinilla
Facultad de Bioética