Through a virtual event, the academics reflected on the relationship between the person, emerging technologies and the common good.
“We must never get discouraged: we know that the Lord does not abandon us and that what we do is rooted in the trust we place in Him, the lover of life”. (Sb 11, 26)
On March 22, the members of the Faculty of Bioethics were summoned virtually to celebrate the General Academy of Professors, an event that had more than 30 participants including coordinators and doctoral, master's and bachelor's degree academics.
The space began with a reflection by Father Fernando Fabó Martín, L.C., director of the School, on the speech of the Holy Father Francisco to the members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which deals with the relationship between the person, emerging technologies and the common good. Concluding that, in the face of today's complex challenges, "the task ahead is enormous, since it is about starting from the experiences that we all share as human beings and studying them, assuming the perspectives of complexity, transdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration" between different subjects.

Subsequently, teamwork sessions were held in which the following questions prepared by the research coordinator of the Faculty, Dr. María Elizabeth de los Rios, were discussed:
What are some changes in the living conditions of the human being as a result of the rapid technological advance in the last ten years?
- The perspective of what society has modified. Epistemic ways of understanding reality and what the social world. What kind of knowledge meditate by technology. Understand social reality. Huge change the technology is the discourse of economics. Reductionist way to measure human progress and is not humanistic. Understanding the social network
- Development of Biotechnology the perception is becoming diffuse. If we can manipulate the human nature, it is not true but is seems so. So, people think that are more powerful than God.
- Artificial intelligence GPT4. How to handle as professor of Bioethics the use of this new technology. Helping the students maintain the critical thinking skills and not just rely in GPT4. How to handle Detector of Artificial Intelligence papers. Lack of engagement and learning. Analyze why is it right or wrong.
- Raise this issue and deal with these challenges and share best practices what we are doing opportunity. Dialectic tool and enhance how to understand things. Originality of paper is to deal. Evaluate our students and change oral and express their own ideas and incorporate knowledge.
How do we understand today the exercise of “knowing” and what ethical and bioethical implications does our way of approaching, analyzing and understanding reality have?
- Learn acquire knowledge generation is different learning. Both ways of acquiring knowledge.
- Perception of knowledge. Learning DR experiences and learning mimic incarnation virtual reality. Mitigate the new source of phenomenal experience. Information view of knowledge moving away from philosophy and wisdom. How do we in this new DR reality to cultivate wisdom and moral deliberation. Finding value on the new learning DR experiences and
- We need more than ever Philosophy and Ethic on the new Technology to understand the new
- How to get to the truth and understand reality only by videos. They don’t have the critical skills they can be trapped the reality. The confuse knowledge by information.
How can we, from Bioethics, generate and instill in our students an integral knowledge of the reality that happens daily?
As professor we are facing a different generation of students that learn-to-learn different ways. We need to come up with new creative ideas to help them acquire the knowledge and wisdom not just the information. We suggest helping the learn the basic skill on how to make and argumentation. Be able to have a debate with arguments and learn to listen and degree with no disrespect. Give them the problem to analyze but help them to learn to make arguments instead of their opinion.
Más información:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
Facultad de Bioética