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Medicine and Ethics recognized as a fundamental Bioethics journal

Medicine and Ethics is recognized as a fundamental Bioethics journal

The journal edited by the Faculties of Bioethics and Health Sciences was included in a list of high-quality Bioethics journals.


The Center for Research Ethics and Bioethics (CRB) published a list of journals that are potentially predatory, that is, that actively solicit manuscript authors for which they charge fees without providing editorial services, endorsements, and quality procedures (such as peer review) that are the main hallmarks of legitimate publications, or that the quality of their publications would be considered unacceptable for publication.


This article also includes resources that list high-quality Bioethics journals, among which is Medina y Ética, edited by the Faculties of Bioethics and Health Sciences of our Anahuac Mexico University, in the area of ​​"Core Bioethics journals" and “Key journals in the Philosopher's Index”.


The authors, Stefan Eriksson, Associate Professor of Research Ethics at Uppsala University and Gert Helgesson, Professor of Medical Ethics at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, comment that this list should serve as a starting point for bioethics researchers to Consider the right journals to publish.


See the complete list here




Más información:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
Facultad de Bioética