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The group Querida Amazonía analyzes Peru, between pain and hope

Querida Amazonía

Led by the rector of the Universidad de los Ángeles de Chimbote, Peru, Father Juan Roger Rodríguez, presented the current situation of the Latin American country, providing the necessary keys for resolving conflicts.


The interdisciplinary research and study study group Querida Amazonía resumed its activities with the extraordinary session entitled "Peru: Between pain and hope", performed virtually by Father Juan Roger Rodríguez, distinguished member of the group and rector of the University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Peru.


Using the methodology of seeing, judging and acting, in first place, he presented the historical panorama of the political situation in Peru to understand the groups that have led the main interests and struggles, as well as the situation of the social condition of millions of inhabitants of this Latin American country. He highlighted the fact that Peru and Mexico share similar stories, knowing that we are brothers in the search for hope through universal brotherhood.


In a second moment of judging, he deeply analyzed other fundamental concepts for the subject, such as the political instability of Peru, the bias of the media, the polarization of society that a divided Peru generates, in addition to the impact of economic inequality and educational opportunities that have caused social discontent and, above all, corruption.


Finally, he emphasized some proposals for action that should begin by calming down the spirits and opening the dialogue so that civic and social education is recognized, valued and prioritized, achieving a culture of encounter and reconciliation, as well as the objective delivery of justice. that allows at the same time to generate political and social consensus to overcome the chronic crisis and guide the country towards social, political and economic stabilization.


You can watch the full session here



Más información:
MPSS Elian Vulfovich
MPSS Alfonso de la Fuente
Facultad de Bioética