This session allowed attendees to understand the phenomenon of climate change and its implications at an economic, social, ethical and humanistic level.
Within the framework of the 4th anniversary of the Querida Amazonia study group, the virtual session titled “Economy, climate change and the vision of Francisco” was held on March 20, 2024, presented by Mr. Eduardo Casillas, a member of said group, who shared part of the content of his doctoral thesis on the problem of climate change, taking the vision that Pope Francis has on the subject as the guiding thread of his presentation.
In this regard, he spoke about the Paris Agreement, which was signed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which intends to establish stricter regulations around the generation of policies by of companies to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, he acknowledged that these regulations have not been successful so far and that the goals established by the agreement will hardly be met by the year 2030.
This event represents an alarming situation, due to the pattern of global temperature increase that has been seen over the last two centuries. On this issue, Casillas explained that “it is related to economic development that is based on the use of fossil fuels, added to inadequate management of soil and natural resources at a global level. In addition, he said that climate change is seen by many people as a purely environmental problem, when it encompasses the economic sustainability of many countries, since each one must seek ways to make better use of the planet's resources and adopt a sustainable economic development system.
At the end, the members of the study group shared their views on the topic after the presentation. The session allowed us to understand the phenomenon of climate change and its implications at an economic, social, ethical and humanistic level, taking the vision of Pope Francis as a reference. This third session promoted academic, scientific and humanistic reflection in all attendees, thanks to the valuable participation of Mtro. Casillas.
More information:
MPSS Inés Marquina
MPSS Marcial Cabrera
Facultad de Bioética