The general coordinator of CADEBI and associate researcher at the Faculty of Bioethics shared his experience in the CommonSpirit Health Hospital Network in the field of clinical bioethics.
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez, student of the twelfth generation PhD in Applied Bioethics, general coordinator of the Anahuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI) and associate researcher of the Faculty of Bioethics, shared with the University Community his experience in the internship PhD in Bioethics.
What did the intership consist of?
The CommonSpirit Health Hospital Network offers this intership program focused on Clinical Bioethics. Where, for approximately one year, you are allowed to participate and become actively involved in the various activities of a hospital bioethics committee. You can contribute to teaching activities, through the various Continuing Education programs in Bioethics, research or consulting, perhaps one of the strongest aspects of the program.
It has been an extremely interesting experience, since I was able to learn about different aspects of the field of action of Applied Bioethics. Throughout this year you have the opportunity to collaborate closely with your mentors, whom you accompany in committee sessions, consultations and/or educational programs; and with your colleagues, who in the same way are seeking to complement their training, which makes this experience truly enriching.
It is an internship in which you can participate virtually, which is why it is quite flexible and allows you to complement your academic and work activities.
How did the knowledge acquired in the doctorate contribute to the realization of the intership?
It was a great opportunity to complement and apply the knowledge acquired so far. However, the intership allowed me to delve deeply into a different field, which is Clinical Bioethics practiced in the hospital.
What experience or knowledge is carried over to your professional and future development?
I really want to continue contributing in this field, which I have seen is necessary and that it really does generate a positive impact on our patients and our colleagues.
What's next for you?
As for the doctorate, continue with the classes and with the development of the thesis. Regarding the field of Clinical Bioethics, I hope to have the opportunity to get involved soon in a Mexican Hospital Committee.
What would you like to add?
I would like to invite my classmates to take this opportunity that the Faculty offers us if possible. You certainly won't regret it.
We congratulate the doctor on his work and wish him much success in the future.
More information:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
Facultad de Bioética