During the Querida Amazonia session he emphasized the importance of building hope from solidarity and community, seeking transcendence and opening ourselves to human perfection.
On October 16, 2024, the Querida Amazonía group held its monthly session in which Dr. Jesús Armando Martínez, professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ), shared reflections on hope during the talk “Building for of hope. The vision of Fratelli Tutti”, during which various topics related to the construction of hope in a world increasingly in need of solidarity and fraternity were discussed.
Dr. Martínez stressed the importance of building hope through solidarity and community, as a means to seek transcendence and promote human improvement. According to his vision, inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical Fratelli Tutti', authentic hope is not passive, but manifests itself through action.
A central point was the role of fraternity and solidarity as inexhaustible sources of hope. At the same time, he explained that hopelessness takes over people when they feel isolated, but through bonds of brotherhood, faith in a better future can be recovered.
He also spoke about the negative impact of the culture of throwaway and indifference as disruptors of hope, pointing out that this must prevail over harmful attitudes.
Furthermore, he recalled the words of Pope Francis, who constantly encourages the community not to lose hope, even in the most difficult moments, highlighting the need for active hope that is reflected in concrete actions to improve collective life.
This meeting concluded with a question and answer session that enriched both academically and humanistically all attendees, so we appreciate the participation of Dr. Jesús Armando Martínez for his valuable contribution.
Enjoy the full session at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/y4tpyEeTakdFZ4df/
More information:
MPSS Ana Sofía García Hazas
MPSS Marcial Cabrera
Facultad de Bioética