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The Querida Amazonía group presents the book Bioethics and Fratelli Tutti in dialogue with the social sciences

Bioethics and Fratelli Tutti in dialogue with the social sciences

The work in which professors-researchers from the Universidad Anáhuac México and the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro participate deals with the growing globalization and the importance of rescuing fraternity, taking up the encyclical of Pope Francis.


The interdisciplinary study group Querida Amazonía celebrates the publication of the work Bioethics and Fratelli Tutti in dialogue with the social sciences, product of the seminar on the thought of Pope Francis and which had the participation of various professors-researchers and with the editorial seal of the Autonomous University of Querétaro.


The third book in this group was produced thanks to the contribution of authors and collaborators such as Dr. José Honorio Cárdenas, Director of Research; Doctors Ricardo Rivas and María Eugenia Guzmán, professors at the School of Education and Humanities; teacher Eduardo Casillas and doctor Agustín Ortega, associate researchers from the School of Bioethics; as well as Dr. María Elizabeth de los Ríos, Research Coordinator of said School.


The work refers to the growing globalization and the importance of rescuing fraternity, taking up the encyclical Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis in which he presents the great problems of our time and proposes universal fraternity and social friendship as ways to address and solve them. .


The professors-researchers of the Universidad Anáhuac México and the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro seek to generate, through this work, a reflective and critical dialogue from the perspective of bioethics and the social sciences.


Available for sale
Fratelli Tutti


More information:
MPSS Elian Vulfovich
Facultad de Bioética