During her degree exam, the Master's in Bioethics student successfully presented her bioethical proposal for the comprehensive prevention of cardiac pathologies in young high-performance athletes, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary care and collective awareness in the sports field.
On November 15, 2024, Atlanta Méndez Pérez, graduate of the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering and student of the Master's Degree in Bioethics, defended her work Bioethical proposal for the comprehensive prevention of cardiac pathologies (sudden death) in young high-performance athletes in universities in Mexico City.
Before the synod made up of doctors Elvira Llaca García and Ana Bertha Liliana Castro Castillo, in addition to Mtra. Margarita Otero Lamas, Atlanta, presented her research focused on the development of a comprehensive assessment model to identify risk factors that can prevent sudden death in high-performance athletes.
Her study is based on the precepts of principlism and personalism, highlighting how bioethics serves as a guiding axis that promotes a culture of prevention and protection in the sports field. In addition, she sought to raise collective awareness about the shared responsibility in the health care of athletes, as well as to promote a multidisciplinary approach that involves not only doctors, but also coaches, families and the entire sports community.
Accompanied by her family in this academic achievement, Atlanta Méndez Pérez took the first step towards the transformation of the culture of high-performance sports in Mexico.
Thanks to the innovative and deeply human approach of her thesis, she set a precedent in bioethics applied to sports and reaffirmed the importance of protecting the health and dignity of young athletes at every stage of their professional development.
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MPSS Regina Castro
Facultad de Bioética