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Patricia Hernández participates in the 1st. World Palliative Care Day Seminar

Patricia Hernández Valdez

The connection between palliative care and human rights was addressed, highlighting the importance of guaranteeing equitable and universal access.


On October 10, 2023, in the auditorium of the ISSEMyM State Cancer Center, the 1st World Palliative Care Day Seminar was held, under the motto "Compassionate Communities". At this event, Patricia Hernández Valdez, coordinator of the Online Master's Degree in Bioethics, gave an enriching presentation titled "Palliative Care as a Human Right."


Palliative care is defined as specialized medical care, which is focused on preventing and relieving suffering, providing the best possible quality of life to patients who have a serious and/or life-threatening illness, seeking their personal and family well-being, promoting dignity, respect in the final phase of life.


The session addressed the crucial connection between palliative care and human rights, highlighting the importance of guaranteeing equitable and universal access to this type of medical care. The need to recognize palliative care as a fundamental right was highlighted, highlighting how it not only alleviates the physical, emotional and spiritual suffering of patients in advanced stages of illness, but also promotes the inherent dignity and respect of each individual. The ethical and moral obligation of health systems and governments to provide quality palliative care services was emphasized, ensuring that this approach is comprehensive and patient-centered, thus respecting human dignity in situations of terminal illness.


Más información:
MPSS Jimena Muñoz Merino
Facultad de Bioética