A nativity scene inspired by nature and Christmas virtues captivated the university community.
This December, Universidad Anáhuac México celebrated its traditional Annual Nativity Scene Contest, an event in which various schools participated under the theme “Hope.” This year, the School of Bioethics stood out by winning first place with an innovative nativity scene created exclusively with plants, symbolizing the virtues of each Christmas character.

The project began in October, when the team from the School of Bioethics began carefully planting each species, cultivating not only a message of hope, but also a reflection of the virtues that characterize the university community. Each week, they selected a specific character and virtue to represent and planted the corresponding species, achieving a harmonious integration between nature and spirituality.
La Virgin Mary, symbol of purity and love, was represented by the cloud.
Saint Joseph, emblem of strength and disposition, was symbolized by a petunia.
The shepherds, representatives of holy curiosity and adaptability, were represented by succulents.
Nativity scene animals, symbols of companionship and warmth, were represented with moss and hay.
The Three Wise Men: Melchor, Mint; Gaspar, Moringa and Baltazar, Romero, representing The call, discernment and surprise.
Finally, the Baby Jesus, a reflection of humility and perseverance, was symbolized by a poinsettia, whose vibrant red flowers captured the essence of the Christmas message.
The Bioethics School community worked together under the guidance of the faculty, ensuring that each plant grew and bloomed in time for the contest held on December 9. This effort not only demonstrated commitment and creativity, but also conveyed a profound message of hope and community care.
The award ceremony took place on December 11, at a special event that brought together the entire university community. The jury was captivated by the originality and symbolism of the nativity scene presented by the faculty, awarding it first place in this annual celebration.

More information:
MPSS Regina Castro
Facultad de Bioética