Meet our Faculty Graduates!

What I am doing as a Bioethicist that I would like to share?
1. How have your studies in bioethics complemented your professional and personal life?
Studies in Bioethics have helped me a lot in my personal life, this is the reason why I am very excited and motivated to establish a Center for Bioethics in the Philippines. Professionally, it helps me a lot despite the challenges of society. The fight against challenges is part of being human, we could not achieve all our goals without them. Despite everything, I am optimistic that my project will be achieved and established; It takes a lot of courage and wisdom to start from scratch.
2. Are you currently working on a project related to bioethics?
Yes! Today, as the founder of St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney Family Inc., I began to establish the Philippine Catholic Center for Bioethics, the first of its kind in the Philippines and in Asia, knowing that Asia has no such Center for Bioethics.
3. Have you given a presentation or conference in relation to bioethical issues?
I had the opportunity to participate as a speaker before the COVID-19 pandemic, at “The Sisters of Mary School Boystown”, where I am also a graduate.
4. Do you have any publication in bioethics/ethics?
None! It is one of our projects once the Philippine Catholic Center for Bioethics is well established. But as far as I know, our group, the First Class of the Master in Global Bioethics, is preparing a book that is in process and I collaborated by sending an article. I am hopeful that the book will be published this year, 2022.
I also plan to publish the first Philippine Compendium of Bioethics for Biolaw which inspired me a lot during our Biolaw course with Dr. Alberto Gómez García, as a brilliant and very encouraging teacher.
5. Do you belong or are you a member of any association/committee related to bioethics/ethics?
Currently, the Philippines does not have a Bioethics Association, maybe once the Center is established, we plan to lead such an Association or committee, so that Philippine’s can be aware and know, "What does bioethics mean?" I always share the video we have at the Anahuac University, "What does bioethics mean to you?" so that every person I meet or every lecture I give, especially the young people of our future generation, are aware of BIOETHICS.
6. Do you recommend the postgraduate program you were part of? What was your experience?
Yes! I have been encouraging my good friends and others who are inspired by my studies, as there is a great need for Bioethics in the country.
Great! I miss the Global Bioethics program, its great and brilliant professors in their different areas of specialization, and my classmates.
In fact, I communicate continuously with some of my colleagues and have invited them to collaborate in the establishment of the Center for Bioethics. I have learned many things, which inspired me to create this project, so that there is continuity through a global collaboration with them. I am praying and hoping that this effort becomes a reality with the great help of Almighty God and the Blessed Virgin Mother, as well as people of good will who somehow become an instrument of this great effort. I know that God has given me a great purpose for my country, and the needs of it, especially in government where there are many dilemmas and bioethical problems.
Publication date: May 2022