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Zoi Adam, the first

Zoi Adam, the first

May 13, 2024

Author: Juan Manuel Palomares Cantero

Versión en español



The Zoi Foundation, since its establishment in 2017, has been a promoter of hope and solidarity in Mexico, dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the most vulnerable communities. With a clear focus on "being a source of life, creation, and preservation," the foundation works tirelessly to ensure that everyone has access to quality medical services. The values of solidarity, respect, empathy, honesty, sensitivity, love, and commitment are the essence that guides every project and collaboration.

On this occasion, the Zoi Foundation has embarked on a challenging and transformative project: the face transplant of Adán Olmos. Adán, a young man whose life changed drastically after an accident, faces a unique opportunity to regain not only facial functionality but also hope and confidence in a better future. This transplant is not only a medical feat but also a manifestation of empathy and solidarity towards those who need it most.

To carry out this complex intervention, the Zoi Foundation has established collaboration with prestigious health institutions, with the Tlalpan Team and groups of specialists in reconstructive surgery. This joint effort not only reflects the foundation's commitment to its values but also underscores the importance of inter-institutional collaboration in overcoming significant medical challenges. Through this partnership, the Zoi Foundation not only supports Adán's surgery but also reinforces its mission to provide accessible and high-quality medical services to those who need them most.



A face transplant is a complex and rare surgical intervention that involves replacing part or all of a person's face with tissues, including skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels from a donor. This procedure is recommended for individuals who have suffered severe disfigurements due to accidents, diseases, or congenital malformations, and whose treatment cannot be resolved with conventional reconstruction techniques.

In Adán Olmos's case, the transplant is necessary due to the severe facial injuries he suffered, which have significantly impacted his ability to perform basic functions, as well as affecting his emotional and social well-being. The goal of the face transplant for Adán is to restore these functions and improve his quality of life.

The process of a face transplant includes several technical and medical challenges. First, a compatible donor must be identified, which can be a lengthy process. The surgery itself is extremely delicate and can last many hours, requiring the precision of a multidisciplinary team of surgeons specialized in microsurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, among others. Subsequently, the patient must face a rigorous period of recovery and adaptation, which includes physical and psychological therapy, as well as a permanent regimen of immunosuppressants to prevent rejection of the transplanted tissue.


Involvement of the Zoi Foundation

The Zoi Foundation became involved in Adán Olmos's case as part of its commitment to facilitating access to advanced medical treatments for people in vulnerable situations. The foundation has played a crucial role in coordinating and financing this project, aligning resources and facilitating collaboration between various institutions.

Among the participating institutions are renowned hospital centers, universities with specialized medical departments, and several non-governmental organizations that support with resources and logistical assistance. The Zoi Foundation has contributed not only financially but also by organizing the efforts of all involved to ensure a cohesive and effective operation.

This project is a reflection of the foundation's values: empathy, by putting themselves in Adán and his family's place; solidarity, by bringing together various actors for a common goal; and commitment, by continuing to support Adán in his postoperative recovery process. Adán Olmos's face transplant symbolizes the Zoi Foundation's mission to bring hope and renewal of life to those who need it most.


Impact and Testimonials

Despite Adán Olmos's face transplant surgery not yet being performed, the anticipation and support surrounding this complex procedure have already had a significant impact. After several years of studies, obtaining necessary permits, and meticulous preparation by the medical team, all involved await the arrival of a compatible donor. Testimonials from Adán, his family, doctors, and members of the Zoi Foundation reflect the mix of hope and determination that characterizes this project.

  • Adán Olmos: "Although we are still awaiting the moment of surgery, feeling the unconditional support of so many people has already changed my life. This wait has taught me patience and given me a new perspective on the importance of every moment."

  • Adán's Family: "Each day of waiting reinforces our hope and gratitude towards those who are tirelessly working to make this surgery possible. The dedication of the medical team and the Zoi Foundation gives us strength to keep going."

  • Dr. Martín Iglesias: "The preparation for a face transplant is an extensive and complex process that involves not only the patient and their family but also a wide team of specialists. We are committed to ensuring that everything is in order for when a compatible donor presents. This project will not only improve Adán's life but also contribute to our understanding and ability to perform similar interventions in the future."

  • Member of the Zoi Foundation: "Our mission at the Foundation is to ensure that medical advances reach those who need them most. Although the wait may be long, every step we take towards Adán's surgery reinforces our commitment to our values of empathy, solidarity, and respect for life."

These testimonials highlight the importance of preparation, patience, and community support in large-scale medical projects like this face transplant. Even before the operation, the process can be transformative and meaningful, emphasizing the need for continuous access to specialized and high-quality medical care.



  • The waiting and preparation for Adán Olmos's face transplant highlight the critical importance of solidarity and inter-institutional collaboration in specialized medical care. This joint effort not only improves the chances of success in complex procedures but also strengthens social fabric and community commitment to common welfare.

  • Through Adán's case, we see how medical advances and access to specialized treatments have the power to transform lives. These procedures not only restore physical functions but also bring hope and dignity to patients and their families.

We encourage readers to consider how they can contribute, whether through donations, volunteering, or participating in awareness activities. Every action, no matter how small, significantly contributes to the success of projects like Adán's and the ongoing operation of the Zoi Foundation.

For those interested in supporting, you can do so by donating directly through the Zoi Foundation's website or by participating as volunteers in their numerous initiatives. Sharing Adán's story and the foundation's work on social media is also a valuable way to contribute.


Contact Information for the Zoi Foundation

For more information on how you can support this face transplant for Adán Olmos, you can visit the website:


AFor direct donations to Zoi Foundation, A.C., you can make a deposit or bank transfer to the following account:

• Santander Bank  
• Account in the name of Zoi Foundation, A.C.  
• Account: 65-50763961-2  
• Interbank CLABE: 014180655076396122

To obtain your donation receipt, write to 


BYou can also deposit directly into Tlalpan Team / Grupo de Ayuda para la mano artrítica, A.C., to the account:

• Multiva Bank  
• Account in the name of Grupo de Ayuda para la mano artrítica, A.C.  
• Account: 00007663657  
• Interbank CLABE: 132180000076636571


COr, through the following crowdfunding links:


Fondeo Anáhuac




Your support is vital to continue our mission of bringing health and well-being to vulnerable people in Mexico.


We deeply appreciate any kind of support.



Juan Manuel Palomares Cantero is a lawyer, master's and doctorate in Bioethics from the Anahuac University, Mexico. He was Director of Human Capital, Director, and General Coordinator at the Faculty of Bioethics. He currently works as a researcher in the Academic Directorate of Integral Training at the same University. He is a member of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics and the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of Bioethics Institutions. This article was assisted in its writing through the use of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool developed by OpenAI.


The opinions shared in this blog are the total responsibility of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent a unanimous opinion of the seminars, nor do they reflect an official position by CADEBI. We value and encourage any comments, responses, or constructive criticism you wish to share.


i Avelino, C. T., & Palacio, J. R. S. (2021). Ética y Responsabilidad Social en las alianzas estratégicas. El caso de las alianzas entre entidades lucrativas y no lucrativas. REVESCO: revista de estudios cooperativos, (137), 142-160.  

ii Palomares-Cantero, J. M. (2023). Perspectivas bioéticas del trasplante de cara. Revista Mexicana de Trasplantes, 12(4), 205-211.  

iii Fundación Zoi está integrada por un grupo de médicos que preocupados por la necesidad de atención a la salud de grupos vulnerables, deciden crear estrategias para vincular y promover la participación de la sociedad, de tal forma que se logre facilitar el acceso a la atención médica. 


More information:
Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez