Blastic Transformation in Mexican Population With Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is the most aggressive of chronic leukemias, with short overall survival and a high transformation rate to acute leukemia. We investigated the factors related to blastic transformation in a Mexican population treated at a tertiary referral center.
Schwannoma trigeminal maxilar. Presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Los schwannomas son tumores benignos que son relativamente comunes en la cabeza, sin embargo, el involucro de la región sinunasal es raro y en la literatura actual tan solo aparecen 5 casos reportados en la maxila, que representan menos del 1% de los tumores óseos.
‘Knowledge for better health’ revisited – the increasing significance of health research systems: a review by departing Editors-in-Chief
How can nations organise research investments to obtain the best bundle of knowledge and the maximum level of improved health, spread as equitably as possible? This question was the central focus of a major initiative from WHO led by Prof Tikki Pang, which resulted in a range of developments, including the publication of a conceptual framework for national health research systems – Knowledge for better health – in 2003, and in the founding of the journal Health Research Policy and Systems (HARPS).
Alteraciones metabólicas sutiles en adolescentes con obesidad y síndrome de ovario poliquístico
Objetivo: Determinar algunas alteraciones metabólicas sutiles en adolescentes con obesidad y síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP).