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Motor Recovery after Chronic Spinal Cord Transection: A Proof-of-Concept Study evaluating a Combined Strategy.

Background: The chronic phase of Spinal Cord (SC) injury is characterized by the presence of a hostile microenvironment that causes low activity and a progressive decline in neurological function; this phase is non-compatible with regeneration. Several treatment strategies have been investigated in chronic SC injury with no satisfactory results.

Reproducibility of BiliCare+ Transcutaneus Bilirrubin Meter in Mexican Newborns

Background. Newborn hyperbilirubinemia is considered a worldwide health problem that demands medical evaluation. Noninvasive transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) has been used as a screening method with different devices but there has not been any evaluation of reproducibility of the same brand devices. The BiliCare™ system is evaluated to demonstrate consistency between measurements with four different devices. Methods.

Forum: Power and Rules in the Profession of International Studies (Power Politics and International Relations Studies in the Global South)

Scholars of international studies frequently examine the interaction of power and rules in their subject of study. Our profession also has significant power dynamics and rules that are mutually constitutive. In this forum, four scholars consider aspects of the current formal and informal rules of the profession of international studies that influence our field.

The Right to a Clean and Healthy Environment: GMOS in Mexico and the European Union

The main objective of this article is to give an overview of both the right to a clean and healthy environment adopted in international and national agreements, and the effects that the release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the environment (especially genetically modified maize) may cause to human, animal and plant health.

Comunicación organizacional web de la ética en las organizaciones del tercer sector

La preocupación de la sociedad civil por crear estructuras organizacionales del tercer sector capaces de afrontar las problemáticas sociales de la nueva modernidad trae consigo nuevos retos en la construcción de sus acciones de ética y la comunicación de las mismas. Estas organizaciones deben ser capaces de hacer comunidad estableciendo relaciones con todos sus públicos.

El efecto de la identidad y los valores emancipativos de las mujeres en la participación laboral femenina: una comparación entre América Latina y países de la OCDE

Desde finales de 1990 y principios del 2000, la región de América Latina experimentó el mayor crecimiento de participación laboral femenina en el mundo. Literatura reciente (Camou, 2015; Chioda, 2016; Gasparini & Marchionni, 2015; Klasen, 2018; Serrano, Gasparini, Marchionni, & Gluzmann, 2018) han concluido que las tendencias en el matrimonio y la fertilidad, crecimiento económico y la educación son determinantes importantes, pero concuerdan en la necesidad de analizar las preferencias de las mujeres y factores sociales elementos que contribuyen, también.

Genethics and Human Reproduction: Religious Perspectives in the Academic Bioethics Literature

The successes of the human genome project and genomics research programs portend great potential to improve upon health and enhance life. As scientific advancements continue, bioethicists and policy makers deliberate over the social and ethical implications of genetic and genomic technologies and information (ggT/I). The application of ggT/I to human reproduction raises conceptual and moral questions about being human and the links between offspring, parents, and society.

The impact of remittances on domestic tourism in Mexico

In this paper we use data from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey for the years 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 to evaluate the impact of internal and international remittances on Domestic Tourism Consumption in Mexico. Using treatment and multi-treatment techniques, the results of this research show that the reception of remittances has a positive impact on tourism spending. In fact, the probability that a household will spend on domestic tourism doubles if it receives international remittances compared to internal remittances.

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