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En esta página podrá ver los artículos de nuestra comunidad académica publicados en revistas indexadas en Scopus y en el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica de CONACYT.


Título Autor/es Anáhuac Journal
An overview of resistance to chemotherapy in osteosarcoma and future perspectives Sara Aileen Cabrera-Nieto Cancer Drug Resistance
Implications of Value Creation for Customers of Social Firms in the Service Sector in Mexico Rogelio Puente-Díaz Revista Lasallista de Investigacion
The Heredity Matrix: Genetics and the Understanding of Mestizaje, Health, and Belonging in Mexico Sandra P. González-Santos Science as Culture
Description of the referral centers for patients with epilepsy for the implementation of the TeleECHO project in a national institute of health Mario A. Sebastián-Díaz Archivos de Neurociencias
Epicardial adipose tissue, obesity, and the occurrence of atrial fibrillation: an overview of pathophysiology and treatment methods Yitka Graham Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
Esperanza de vida en torno a la joroba de mortalidad masculina en México, con suavizamiento controlado por segmentos Eliud Silva-Urrutía Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos
Self-reported executive function mediates the association between obesity and recent suicidality Aldebarán Toledo-Fernández, Diego Baca-Hernández, Mariana Guerrero-Hernández, Osvaldo Moreno-Barbosa, Luis Villalobos-Gallegos Revista de Psicologia de la Salud
Barriers and facilitators to influenza vaccination observed by officers of national immunization programs in South America countries with contrasting coverage rates Miguel Á. González-Block Cadernos de Saude Publica
Empirical evidence of the monetary approach to the exchange rate determinants under a fully flexible regime: the case of Mexico Alberto Gallegos-David, Bárbara Trejo-Becerril International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
Vertical transmission and pathological findings in the mother, the placenta and the offspring, during first and last thirds of gestation in a mouse model of congenital toxoplasmosis Dolores Correa-Beltrán Parasitology International
Is the risk of refeeding syndrome a problem in reaching nutritional requirements? A cohort of patients on enteral nutrition support Elena M. Sandoval-Cartagena, Marcela Hernández-Ortega Nutrición Hospitalaria
A dietary pattern high in full-fat dairy and sweetened beverages is associated with glycated hemoglobin and weight in Mexican patients with type-2 diabetes Eloísa Colín-Ramírez Nutrición Hospitalaria
Actividad física, sedentarismo y preferencias en la práctica deportiva en niños: panorama actual en México Diana Betancourt-Ocampo, Ana Laura Jaimes-Reyes, Mydori Harumi Tellez-Vasquez, Héctor Igor Rubio-Sosa, Alejandro González-González Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte
Scavenger Receptor A1 Signaling Pathways Affecting Macrophage Functions in Innate and Adaptive Immunity Fela Mendlovic Immunological Investigations
miRNAs, from Evolutionary Junk to Possible Prognostic Markers and Therapeutic Targets in COVID-19 Paola Sommerhalder-Nava, Alejandro Hanono Viruses
Urodynamic autonomic bladder dysfunction in women with complex chronic pelvic pain is associated with small fiber polyneuropathy Jan Alberto Paredes-Mogica Neurourology and Urodynamics
Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study Manuel Sánchez de Carmona European Neuropsychopharmacology
Neuropsychological screening with TOWI: Performance in 6- to 12-year-old children Rogelio Apiquian Applied Neuropsychology: Child
Correlation between Angiotensin Serum Levels and Very-Low-Frequency Spectral Power of Heart Rate Variability during Hemodialysis Raúl Cartas-Rosado Life
Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets Ananya Rajagopal Palgrave macmillan