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Holistic education is the essential component of the UA educational model, with students being placed at the core of a teaching-learning process designed to help them reach their full potential and harmoniously develop all their skills.

Through their college years, students take an active role in a learning process that encourages their development across a range of different dimensions: human, intellectual, professional, social, and spiritual. This means that, while students acquire a strong academic background in their chosen field of study, they also have ample opportunity to guide their lives and careers towards the pursuit of the common good, thus finding personal and professional fulfillment.


Convinced awareness of the dignity and preeminence of human beings.
A profoundly human and social approach towards professional practice.
Solid moral skills.
A critical perspective of cultural development.
An understanding of the ultimate meaning of one’s life.
A self-assured approach towards the practice of one’s faith.
The certainty that reality can come to be known through human reason.
Excellent professional and technical skills.
Ability to communicate effectively.
Leadership skills and ability to influence others.


Our educational model promotes the development of leadership skills to bring about positive changes in society.

Our educational model promotes the development of leadership skills to bring about positive changes in society.

Positive leaders in action have the ability to positively influence people and their surroundings, guiding them towards the pursuit of the common good. They respect the dignity of human life. They put their skills to use with an awareness of their responsibility and a profound sense of service to others. Committed to the development of society, positive leaders in action approach their endeavors taking transcendence as a guiding principle and striving to help others reach their full potential.


Our renewed curriculum structure offers a solid background in human values, general education, and the knowledge and competencies related to the chosen field of study. Program courses are arranged into three blocks:



This block, which provides integrated instruction on human skills and general education, includes a course in leadership. These courses contribute to our students’ holistic development as they provide them with the opportunity to acquire a solid ethical and human perspective of their lives and professional practice.


This block is comprised of courses designed to help students develop the competencies related to the chosen field of study. It also includes an internship, which offers students hands-on experience and the opportunity to put the acquired competencies to use. Designed and taught with a business perspective, our signature courses (Entrepreneurship and Innovation / Social Responsibility and Sustainability) are also found in this block.


This block provides students with a variety of options to complete and enrich the learning process taking an interdisciplinary perspective:
• Professional elective courses
• Optional elective courses
• Workshops and activities



Each university proposes an ideal advancement plan for our students, who have the possibility of choosing the courses they will take in each semester and summer term according to the academic courses offered by their university.

Exploratory and Common Core Studies

Exploratory and Common Core Studies

When students have not yet decided which degree program to study, they can take one or two exploratory semesters in the core undergraduate programs of each School, which share a strong common core. They can then decide whether to remain in that program or move on to another one. The credits already earned will be taken into account.

University Professional  Diploma Program: Minor

University Professional Diploma Program: Minor

In the Professional Stream, students must choose 24 credits from courses of another degree program to complement and broaden their professional training. Those courses might be integrated into a University Professional Diploma Program (Minor) or individual courses that students can choose according to their interests, either from their academic division (Health, Social Sciences, Arts, Business, and Engineering) or from any other division.

Leadership and Entrepreneurial Tracks

Leadership and Entrepreneurial Tracks

Both tracks are dynamically intertwined. Through the Leadership Track, students develop managerial and teamwork skills to create and manage social and/or productive projects. On the other hand, the Entrepreneurial Track enhances their self-management skills and their ability to develop innovative ideas and sustainable projects.

Complementary Courses

Complementary Courses

Within the Anáhuac and the Interdisciplinary Streams, students can choose courses designed from a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to tackle current topics and problems. These courses aim at enhancing their soft skills. Students can also choose courses focused on their personal formation, leadership skills, the enhancement of knowledge, or courses of practical nature.



All programs promote professional internships, covering at least 480 hours, with the aim of gaining first-hand professional experience during their undergraduate studies.

These internships may be carried out in public and/or private institutions or in projects proposed by the students themselves, resulting from their journey through the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Tracks.

Digital competencies

Digital competencies

During their bachelor’s degree, students take at least five courses entirely online and make use of the educational technology available in their area of training, such as simulators, design tools, printing, and fabrication, virtual reality, etc. In this way, students develop self-management, self-learning, planning, and time management skills.



All students must be proficient in English as a second language and must take at least five courses in English. Some degrees require proficiency in a third language. Each University has a Language Center and technological resources for language teaching.

Mobility and transfer

Mobility and transfer

Once they have completed their first year at their university of origin, students have the possibility of continuing their studies at other universities within the Anahuac Network for up to two semesters and one summer term at each one, depending on the programs and courses offered.

Student Exchange

Student Exchange

The Anáhuac Network offers over 550 international academic exchange options in 55 countries at world-class universities.

International Double Degrees

International Double Degrees

The Anáhuac Network has several double-degree agreements with foreign universities. An example is Business with Coventry University; Architecture, Engineering, and Gastronomy with Francisco de Vitoria University; Tourism with the European University of Rome.

General Graduation Exam

General Graduation Exam

All Anáhuac graduates must pass the General Graduation Exam (EGEL in Spanish) by the National Evaluation Center for Higher Education (CENEVAL in Spanish) in their professional area, when applicable. Otherwise, there is a general graduation exam designed by Anahuac University. To date, the results place the majority of the programs offered by the Anahuac Network in the High Performance 1 and 1 Plus Register, with pass rates above 80% and with an increasing number of students obtaining the National Excellence Award.

University Life

University Life

Part of their integral formation is achieved through complementary education and university life. We want our University to be a haven to listen, accompany, discern, and educate. Anáhuac University offers formative experiences to develop skills and competencies through curricular and extracurricular activities.