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What to do when you don't know what career to study?

What to do when you don't know what career to study?

The change from high school to university is not an easy thing, as many students do not know what direction their professional life will take. If you are going through this process, you have surely asked yourself questions like: What should I do? How do I choose a career? How do I know which option is best for my life? How do I know what career to study?

You should know that it is normal to have questions like this. It is not bad that you still do not know what career to study, maybe you have many interests, and it seems difficult to choose just one, or, on the other hand, maybe you do not know what types of university careers you are most passionate about. 

If you still don't know what career to study , but you want to find the ideal path to start your university life, keep reading this article and discover your vocation!

Know yourself

Before you start deciding what career to study, it is crucial that you clarify your starting point and identify the professional profile you would like to develop , although you should also take into account where you want to go and the goals you want to achieve.

There are a few strategies you can use to decide what career to study. One of them is to do a deep analysis of who you are and what you want in your professional life. Don't base your career choice only on your interests; it's important to also consider the skills you possess and the lifestyle you want to have in the future. 

Knowing what to study requires you to take some time to reflect and evaluate your priorities, this will allow you to make an informed decision that is more aligned with your long-term goals. Remember that choosing a career is an important life choice: consider your own personality and goals to ensure a satisfactory academic education.

Discover your personality type

Although we could give you many tips for guidance, the most effective method to discover your vocation and decide what career to study is the Typological Model of the American psychologist John L. Holland, who proposed 6 personality types with characteristics linked to different preferences, skills and professional occupations. 

According to Holland, professional success lies in choosing a career that is congruent with your personality and type of intelligence. That's why it's important to know yourself. 

Below, we show you what the 6 personality types consist of and the types of careers that match each one so you can identify where your own profile fits. 


They are practical, action-oriented people who are skilled in manual and technical work. They also find it easy to use digital tools and software. They like to carry out structured tasks with clear and concrete instructions. They are good at concentrating on one task at a time and like to work with instruments, machinery and materials

If you still don't know what career to study, but you identified characteristics of the realistic type in your own personality, you are in luck, since the Mexican industry is growing , according to INEGI data published in September 2023. 

Some of the careers related to your realistic profile are: 


They are curious, analytical and problem-solving people. They like to investigate, analyze data and use logic; they are specialists in understanding how things work. They enjoy reading and reflecting on cultural, historical, social, political, economic issues… In short, the sky is the limit. 

Researchers make a major contribution to the development of their country and the world. However, Mexico is one of the countries with the lowest percentage of researchers. According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, for every thousand people employed in the country there are only 1.24 researchers. 

If you have the personality of a researcher, you are lucky to be one of the few with the potential to lead the positive transformation of your environment. Here are some career ideas for researcher profiles, with the potential to make you stand out:


They are creative, expressive and emotional people. They like to work in unstructured environments and use their imagination. They enjoy contact and interaction with other people. They are very inventive and innovative and see the world from another point of view. They tend to be perfectionists, although a little scattered; however, they achieve everything they set out to do.

Did you know that Mexican art is exhibited in the world's leading museums ? Our country's rich artistic tradition is an excellent base for you to begin your journey as an artist, and why not? One day reach the level of greats like Frida Kahlo or Rufino Tamayo.

Here are some careers that are perfect for people with artistic personality types:  


They are compassionate, communicative and helpful to others. They enjoy working with people and feel comfortable in leadership roles. They care about improving society and their environment, they are sensitive and do their best to contribute. They are experts at organizing large events and activities, they are very good at working in a team and fighting for the common good.

Our country has a long history of important leaders and social movements that have challenged inequality and injustice to transform Mexico into a better home for Mexicans . Aren't you excited to think that you, too, can make a difference?

If you identify with the social personality, these options are ideal for you: 

They are ambitious, persuasive and decision-oriented people. They like taking on challenges, leading teams and facing new experiences. They are determined, charismatic and competitive. They prefer to break away from established structures and methods to create their own paths. They are very energetic, persevering and passionate.

This type of personality fits very well with the Mexican way of being. In fact, according to an article in El Economista , Mexico is recognized as the capital of entrepreneurship in Latin America , thanks to the resilience, ingenuity and creativity of its inhabitants, among other reasons. Do you identify with this type of personality?

Here are some ideas of the best careers to study if you are an entrepreneur:


They are organized and detail-oriented people who enjoy following established procedures. They like working with numbers, data and administrative tasks. They thrive as part of a structure, as they are not usually very creative. They like order and are very productive. They get the most out of themselves with the help of a well-established routine

These types of personalities are dedicated to performing some of the most sought-after positions in the country, according to the digital job exchange OCCMundial . They also represent the work areas with the most job offers in the Mexican labor market.

If you want to exploit these qualities of yours, the best types of university careers for those who identify with the conventional personality are:

How to know what career to study?

As we've seen, deciding what career to pursue requires reflecting on your personal interests, skills, and values. Conduct an honest self-assessment to identify the activities you're most passionate about and the areas in which you excel. Research academic and professional alternatives, and consider how they align with your long-term goals

Try to talk to professionals working in your field of interest to get a realistic perspective on job opportunities. On the other hand, doing internships or community service will allow you to gain real experience and, above all, make an informed decision. 

If you are still not convinced to study one of these university degrees, we present a list of aspects that you should consider when choosing what to study:

Interests and passions

Think about the activities that excite you and that you enjoy doing. Look for a career that aligns with your tastes and interests and allows you to develop in the areas that you are passionate about. Remember that what you decide to study should be something that makes you feel fulfilled and brings out your personal essence: your career is a way to become the best version of yourself. 

Skills and strengths 

Identify your areas of interest, the areas of knowledge in which you excel and the activities you are best at. Look for a career that allows you to take advantage of your skills and enhance them, so you will be an outstanding professional in the workplace. 

Values ​​and purpose

Reflect on your values ​​and what you consider most important in life. Look for a career that is in line with your personal ethics and allows you to work in areas that have a positive impact on society. Feeling that your work has a meaningful purpose will give you greater satisfaction and motivation to reach your full potential.

Job prospects

Research job prospects and employment opportunities in the field you are interested in. Consider the current and future demand for professionals in that area, as well as the possibilities for professional growth and development in the short, medium and long term.

Learning style

Consider whether you prefer a practical, theoretical, collaborative or independent approach. Look for a course that suits your learning style and gives you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in accordance with your way of being and learning.

Balancing passion and employability

Find the balance between following your passion and being employable. While it is important to study a career you like, you should also check the value of your skills and the job opportunities that will be available to you after leaving university.

Experiences and networking 

Take advantage of opportunities to do internships, work placements, or extracurricular projects in your field of interest. These experiences will transform your understanding of the work reality that awaits you and allow you to begin networking in your professional field.

Now you are ready to know what career to study based on your personality characteristics. With patience and a little help in terms of vocational guidance , we are sure that you will find the best option for your future.

The Anáhuac University Network has more than 60 undergraduate degrees, from all types of university careers, so you can choose according to your interests and abilities.