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In what areas can you develop as a pedagogue?

In what areas can you develop as a pedagogue?

Education is much more than just transmitting information; it is a human right that aims to develop people by strengthening knowledge and values that drive change in the world. 

The importance of education lies in the fact that, without it, the rest of human rights cannot be achieved with dignity. Seen in this way, the role of educators and pedagogues is essential to achieving the well-being of society.

What is pedagogy?

It is common to confuse the work of teachers and that of pedagogues because, although both are dedicated to the educational field, each profession has a very different approach. 

While teaching is the activity of teaching, that is, standing in front of a classroom to transmit knowledge to others, pedagogy is a science that studies education to analyze and improve it. 

Pedagogy is responsible for understanding learning in depth, and to do so it usually asks some questions such as: What is learning? How do we learn? What are the best techniques and practices for teaching? What are theeducational problems and how can they be solved? 

As experts in education, the functions of the pedagogue are more focused on the research, planning, execution and evaluation of educational programs and strategies, as well as the creation of educational plans that serve people of all ages, social strata and cognitive abilities. 

What are the career opportunities for teachers?

In Mexico, according to data from the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), there are 253,281 teaching professionals. If you want to study or are about to finish a degree in teaching, we have good news for you: 97% of graduates of this degree have a stable job, but do you know where teachers work?

The field of work in pedagogy is very broad and is not necessarily reserved for educational services. As a pedagogue you can work in different sectors, activities and organizations. Some of the jobs you can do are: 

  • Teaching. A teacher is trained to plan and teach classes at all educational levels and knows how to identify educational problems to improve the learning process.
  • Teacher training and advice. Teacher development and updating is essential to improve the educational level. Pedagogues are responsible for identifying areas of opportunity and providing training to teachers.
  • Management of educational institutions. Thanks to their technical and pedagogical knowledge of education, pedagogues are ideally suited to managing educational institutions.
  • Educational and professional counselor. Pedagogues are perfect counselors for defining and achieving the educational and professional goals of children and adults.
  • Design of educational materials and programs. Publishing houses and companies specializing in education require experts who are able to design innovative educational materials.
  • Human development project management. The Human Resources department of companies employs educators to diagnose the training and updating needs of their employees, with the aim of motivating professional growth.
  • Management of cultural and heritage projects. An educator can offer consultancy on educational programmes to foundations, museums, cultural centres and media outlets.


Graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Organizational and Educational Pedagogy from Universidad Anáhuac are professionals who have an active social participation that seeks the well-being of society. Do you want to know more about this career? Visit for more information.