Lifelong learning is boosted with the launch of the Anahuac Senior Program

Liderazgo Anáhuac en Humanismo
This important project promoted by Anahuac Mexico University seeks to contribute to the development and integral growth of seniors through academic programs of continuing education and cultural, social, personal and spiritual development..
The launch of the Anahuac Senior Program on the afternoon of June 5, 2024, was an important event for Anahuac Mexico University. Held in the Auditorium of the Postgraduate Studies Center, the event marked the university's commitment to promoting lifelong learning through comprehensive development strategies. The program is backed by over 60 years of academic and professional experience.
To contribute to active aging and improve the quality of life of adults 55 years of age and older, this project promotes the power of lifelong learning through academic programs of continuing education and cultural, social, personal and spiritual development accompanied by masters, diplomas, courses, workshops, physical activation sessions, extracurricular activities and various services.
In the presence of university authorities, department, school and faculty directors, graduates, administrative staff, members of the Anahuac University network and special guests, during his opening speech, the academic vice-rector of our institution, Dr. Jose Rodrigo Pozón López, emphasized that this type of program throughout the world has had very satisfactory results, demonstrating a positive impact on seniors in cognitive terms, self-esteem, personal satisfaction and socialization, affirming that "the student of experience is the student of excellence".
He also explained the process and methodology used to bring this important project to fruition. Anahuac Senior also functions as a protective tool against the deterioration that comes with age, backed by programs that involve significant long-term involvement with seniors.
Finally, he expressed his gratitude to Dr. Sonia Barnetche Frías, Secretary General; Dr. Luz del Carmen Dávalos Murillo, member of the Rectoral Committee; Dr. Francesca Munda Magill, Director of the School of Education and Humanities; and Ms. Martha Couttolenc Mestre, Outreach Coordinator of the School. Their commitment and hard work over the years have been instrumental in making this program a reality.
Afterward, Actuary Carlos Antonio Rodríguez Gutiérrez (Class of '84) returned to his alma mater as a special guest and spoke a few words. He started by asking the attendees what they wanted to do during the second half of their lives. He mentioned that when he retired, he returned to Anahuac University as a student of a couple of diploma courses offered by the Continuing Education department. Since then, he has been involved with the university.
"It gives me great pleasure to see how much the University has grown. I am proud to continue to be associated with the Anahuac and be part of its growth. Today, there are more students, diplomas, master's degrees and PhDs. With the launch of Anahuac Senior, academic offerings will be strengthened, making it easier for students to participate and engage with the educational programs they have been preparing for over the years. It is an exciting opportunity."
To inaugurate the Anahuac Senior program, our Rector, Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., pointed out in his speech that we have misunderstood the meaning of a career. He emphasized that "the real career begins after encountering obstacles, earning medals, shedding tears and experiencing moments of fulfillment. During these times, individuals truly develop and become men and women who take on challenges and understand.
"He also noted the growth that the Anahuac has experienced over the years in terms of projects. Some highlights include the Anahuac Mexiquense Cultural Center, the Anahuac Center for Medical Education and Simulation Research (CAEMIS), the Anahuac Center for Technological Innovation attached to the School of Engineering, Anahuac LABS, and soon, Anahuac Business."
The Rector encouraged the attendees to always consider themselves active participants in their lives and to question what they want to do with the years they have left. “We are excited to launch a program to support seniors in their pursuit of knowledge and personal growth”, he added.
After explaining the meaning of the logo that frames Anahuac Senior, which resembles a brain and a tree providing shade, nourished by living leaves and connected to a root of experience and knowledge, he urged the audience to approach everything they do with deep respect. He also emphasized the importance of cultivating the mind: “of becoming individuals who provide support, shade and draw sustenance from their roots to stay alive. The motto of our University is not only relevant at the age of 25 but is a valuable life project given to us as a talent to manage throughout our existence. This allows us to become individuals who overcome evil with good”.
Dr. Raúl Valdés Cotera, the program coordinator at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, attended the closing of this important event. He traveled from Hamburg, Germany, to join us as the keynote speaker with his keynote lecture, "Importance of Lifelong Learning”. (include the link to the lecture notes here).
Dr. Valdés Cotera received an acknowledgment for his outstanding participation and attendance, which permits the consolidation of the fundamental role of universities in social development and in promoting the capabilities of seniors.
Anahuac Mexico University is taking another step forward on the education path, showing its commitment to forming proactive leaders whose actions positively impact society. These leaders contribute to creating a better, quality world for all.
*Written by Arizbeth Arizbeth Monserrat Rivera Cabrera, style correction, Institutional Communications Office.
More information:
Juan Carlos Tirado Becerril
Center for Continuing Education and Anahuac Senior