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Our rector, Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., presents his 2024 Report to the Anáhuac Community

Our rector, Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., presents his 2024 Report to the Anáhuac Community

Anáhuac University concludes its 60th anniversary with the Rector's Report, highlighting its progress and its future prospects.

“I hope that you can bravely face the great educational challenges of our period of history, continuing to promote education guided by the values of the Gospel, in order to promote the integral and harmonious development of the human person...“
Pope Francis

On February 12, 2024, the University community gathered to share the accomplishments of a transformative year and to conclude the celebration of six decades of history and commitment to integral formation.

The day began with a Thanksgiving Mass in the University Chapel, officiated by Father Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., who in his sermon emphasized the value of teamwork, effort and love as pillars for building a solid community. He also invited us to consider that every action we take with dedication contributes to the transformation of our environment. He asked for the intercession of St. Joseph, whom we can call our first teacher, to continue building a committed and united educational institution.

The Report was then presented to the University Community at the Anáhuac Mexiquense Cultural Center, accompanied by students, academics, administrative staff and university authorities, as well as special guests, including members of the business community, diplomats and municipal representatives, who listened and shared the achievements that the community accomplished in 2024.

“In this report to the University Community, we want to propose a moment of deep reflection, both on what has been accomplished and on the spirit, the heart, and the ideals that have guided us, each person behind the numbers, each story behind the circumstances, each hope behind the efforts we have made to make 2024 a valuable year in our experience as a University.”

Informe del Rector 2024

Notable achievements in 2024

The accomplishments that have enabled our community to achieve academic and educational excellence are the following:

• An academic portfolio of 50 undergraduate and graduate programs on the North and South campuses, representing a 4.1% growth compared to 2023. These programs are offered in 16 schools and faculties, with a total enrollment of 15,012 students on both campuses.
• More than 58% of our students receive some form of financial aid to continue their studies.
• Our students achieved an average pass rate of 95.75% in the General Exams for Undergraduate Graduation (EGEL), and the North Campus had the second highest number of winners of the Ceneval Award for Excellence in Performance in the country.
• Several undergraduate programs have received important reaccreditations, which guarantee that they fulfill the criteria of academic excellence.
• Postgraduate studies offered include 24 specializations, 41 master's degrees and 16 PhD degrees in face-to-face and hybrid formats, and 24 master's degrees and 10 specializations in online format, with a total enrollment of 8,790 students.
• Integral formation includes a robust culture of support through tutoring, mentoring, and coaching. In 2024, more than 4,100 students were assisted by 415 instructors who guided them in their personal and professional development.
2,100 volunteers participated in 269 university social action projects on issues such as childhood, disability, the environment and education.
• Alliances with the State of Mexico, Mexico City and the Huixquilucan municipality to promote projects in areas such as reforestation, employment and education for the benefit of the community.
• Organization of 11 job fairs, 58 job exchange sessions and 46 employability workshops, connecting more than 3,000 students with leading companies.
• Progress in important projects such as Anáhuac LABS and the Anáhuac Virtual Hospital.

Informe Rector 2024

After sharing the progress made by our institution to continue promoting leadership, academic excellence and integral formation in the Anáhuac community, the event concluded with an invitation from our Rector: “We are the 60th generation. Let us humbly accept the new challenge and seek to use our skills and knowledge to serve others as leaders of positive action. May our motto, "Overcoming evil with good," inspire us to leave our mark on the world.”

Consult the multimedia version of the Rector's Report here: 
Informe Rector 2024

*With the collaboration of Irán Gutiérrez Méndez, Publications Coordinator, Institutional Communications Department.

For more information: 
Crisette Romero Lugo 
Content Editing 
Institutional Communications Management