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Message from the Dean

foto director

Carlos Ramos Cárdenas Artigas


Sustainability is part of the role that we, as individuals and in conjunction with civil society organizations, government and the private sector, seek to create value for our society, taking into consideration goals that underscore the environmental, social and economic dimensions of Social Responsibility.

The analysis of these dimensions is therefore important when measuring their contribution to meeting the goals set to ensure sustainability.

At the School of Social Responsibility we offer Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degree programs, as well as continuing education and specialized centers for executive training, research, consulting and career activities to provide our students with the competencies they need to understand and contribute solutions to the challenges, opportunities and impacts in favor of people, the planet and prosperity for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient world.

I invite you to experience and embrace the Anahuac formative educational model, and to become part of an innovative community with the ability to observe, learn, listen and collaborate as a team for a successful entrance into the labor market, while profiting from the human quality and value of your classmates and fellow graduates for your personal development.


Welcome to Anahuac University, where we train leaders of positive action.