The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) is a world leader in educational quality assurance for programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.
ABET accreditation ensures that the University produce graduates of great quality who meet the global technical standards of the profession, so as to meet employers´ expectations. As a graduate from an ABET accredited program, you will be capable of leading innovation, developing new technology and applying technical concepts to the solution of real problems
The Industrial and Engineering Management, Mechatronics, Civil and Chemical Engineering, undergraduate programs are currently accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
On the first stage to meet the accreditation criteria, it is required that each program pursuing accreditation formulates its program educational objectives. These must be reviewed with the help of its constituencies, including employers, external advisory board, faculty members, alumni and students. ABET defines program educational objectives as “statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years after graduation.”
On a second stage, ABET accreditation requires programs to evaluate student outcomes, which support the program educational objectives and prepare graduates to enter the professional practice of engineering. Student outcomes describe what a student will be able to do when graduated. This will be acquired through the different subjects of the program.
On a third stage, ABET accreditation is based on continuous improvement, so that all programs must regularly document the process for the evaluation of the student outcomes.
ABET requires that each program make available to the public certain information, namely their program educational objectives, their student outcomes, their accreditation status and data on their student enrollments and degrees granted. This information can be consulted at the following links:
- Biomedical Engineering (Retroactive to the graduates since October 2017 of the Norte Huixquilucan campus)
- Chemical Engineering (Retroactive to the graduates since October 2012 of the Norte Huixquilucan campus).
- Civil Engineering (Retroactive to the graduates since October 2012 of the Norte Huixquilucan campus).
- Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (Retroactive to the graduates since October 2012 of the Norte Huixquilucan campus).
- Mechatronics Engineering (Retroactive to the graduates since October 2012 of the Norte Huixquilucan campus).
From the ABET website