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The Magdala Archaeological Project celebrates 10 years of strengthening relations between Mexico and Israel through archeology, academic research, and culture.

The Ancient Cultures Research Center of the Faculty of Humanities, Philosophy and Letters of Universidad Anáhuac México invites you to celebrate and learn more about this pioneering project in Mexico about Biblical Archeology.

On November 12, 2020 at 10:30 am (Mexico City CST-UTC -6hrs) we will connect livestream to celebrate the event "Magdala Archaeological Project: 10 years discovering its history" We invite you to be part of this celebration where we will explain the mayor achievements of this decade of work, the latest discoveries and future projects, where some of the leading characters of this great story will share with us a brief message.


Magdala Archeological: 10 years discovering its history


Event schedule



Fr. Juan Solana. L.C.

Fr. Juan Solana. L.C.

Magdala director

Profesora Marcela Zapata-Meza

Profesora Marcela Zapata-Meza

Leading archaeologist Magdala Archaeological Project

Danny Syon

Danny Syon

Head of Scientific Assessment Branch, Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)

Adolfo Roitman

Adolfo Roitman

curator of the Shrine of the book at Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Fr. Cipriano Sánchez García

Fr. Cipriano Sánchez García

President of Anahuac University

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