During this activity, members of the Simulation Center and the School of Bioethics explored the bioethical and legal frontiers of medical practice that will help them make critical decisions in the future.
On November 9, 2024, as part of the Anáhuac Congress on Medical Research and Leadership (CAILM), the workshop Critical Decision Making in Medicine: Frontiers of Bioethics Through Simulation was held, led by Dr. María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte , Dr. Ariana Cerón Apipilhuasco, Dr. Begoña Fuertes Abascal, Dr. Rubén Dario Iñigo Cabrejos and Eng. Nadia Arleth Hernández Albarrán together with a large support group.
Students, health professionals and academics from the Universidad Anáhuac México, mainly from the School of Bioethics, deepened their knowledge about the ethical dilemmas that arise in medical practice.
The workshop was structured in two simulated cases that served as a basis for deep reflection regarding the bioethical, clinical and legal aspects involved in critical determinations in medicine, which were carefully designed to confront participants with complex situations, which included ethical dilemmas regarding patient autonomy, informed consent, advance directives, among other topics.
After the simulation, Dr. de los Ríos explained in detail the bioethical aspects involved in the cases, contextualizing the situation with fundamental theories and principles of Bioethics, such as respect for human dignity and values. In addition, she facilitated open discussion in which participants exchanged perspectives, shared concerns and proposed solutions to the ethical problems raised.
The workshop culminated with a debriefing in which attendees reflected on the resolutions taken in the simulated cases, analyzed how Bioethics and the legal framework influence real medical practice and reinforced the commitment of the Universidad Anáhuac México and the School of Bioethics with integration of interdisciplinary knowledge that seeks to train doctors and leaders in the health area with solid ethical and professional training.
This activity stood out for its practical and dynamic approach that encouraged critical thinking and responsible determinations in complex medical contexts. Without a doubt, these types of workshops demonstrate our University's commitment to the comprehensive training of its students, by incorporating tools that prepare them to face the ethical and legal challenges that will arise in their professional practice.

More information:
MPSS Victoria Abarzua
Facultad de Bioética