The Faculty of Bioethics had three specialists to talk about the challenges of global bioethics for the construction of fraternity and social friendship.
During the 13th session of Querida Amazonia of our Faculty of Bioethics: "Echoes and resonances of the Fratelli Tutti in the first year of its publication", encyclical published by Pope Francis in October 2020 in Assisi, we had a triple participation of experts.
In the first place, Father Jorge Ferrer SJ, from the Catholic University of Puerto Rico, accompanied us with the presentation entitled “The fraternity principle for a cosmopolitan synodality” in which he presented the encyclical as a document of the social magisterium that belongs to the field of moral theology, explicitly alluding to the Trinitarian foundation of fraternity and social friendship.
Thus, he affirms that Pope Francis wants to build bridges for dialogue and to walk with all people of good will (cosmopolitan synodality). He also argued that what the Pope calls "social friendship" is what classical thought knew as civic friendship and that it is the bond that unites the members of a political community that recognizes a fundamental equality, that allows collaboration, the search for common goals and harmony.
Second, we have the presence of Dr. Ricardo Marcelino Rivas, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Humanities, Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Anáhuac México, who presented the main contributions for an ethical cosmopolitanism in Fratelli Tutti in the context of secularization and current post-secularization.
In his presentation he stressed that for an ethical cosmopolitanism in Fratelli Tutti we need a legal, political, and economic world order to increase and guide international collaboration towards the development of solidarity for all. He also emphasized the need to develop awareness that today either we are all saved, or no one is saved, with the aim of building a fraternity based on dialogue between brothers.
To close the panel, Dr. María Elizabeth de los Rios Uriarte, professor, and researcher at the Faculty of Bioethics of the Universidad Anáhuac México, presented the topic “Bioethics and Fratelli Tutti” in which she addressed some of the current challenges that bioethics must incorporate in his reflections a new principle: fraternity.
Likewise, she noted the historical step from autonomous responsibility to heteronomous responsibility, reaching our days the notion of the ethics of care where the concern for life and health typical of bioethics land in the specific circumstances of each person to become "neighbor" with him / her and, in this way, connects with Pope Francis' proposal of universal brotherhood.
Finally, some challenges of global bioethics were presented to build fraternity and social friendship with a preferential look at the weakest and most vulnerable, calling for the demand for collaboration between nationals to care for, protect, promote, and defend life.
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MPSS Jhosue Hernández González
Facultad de Bioética