This event brought together national and international physicians, bioethicists, and academics to discuss feminism, maternal and fetal health, obstetric violence, and conscientious objection.
On March 14 and 15, Anáhuac University Mexico and the Institute of Higher Education of Tamaulipas (IEST/Anáhuac) jointly held the Second International Bioethics Congress, with the theme "Women, Health, and Bioethics." This event brought together various specialists who shared their reflections on bioethical dilemmas related to women and health.
Among the prominent academics participating in this conference was Dr. María Luisa Aspe Armella, who opened the event with the keynote address "History of Feminisms." The second presentation of the event was given virtually by Dr. Claudia Ruíz Sotomayor, who analyzed ethical dilemmas in maternal and fetal health within a Catholic hospital in the United States.
Throughout the sessions, relevant topics in the field of bioethics were presented. For example, Dr. Francisco Bernardo Fragoso Gutiérrez spoke on "The Feminine Genius and Bioethics," while Dr. José Alberto Castilla Barajas, director of the School of Bioethics at Anáhuac University, Mexico, presented on "Fertility Awareness in University Students." Dr. Germán Carreto Chávez spoke on "Obstetric Violence" in a panel moderated by Dr. Francisco Bernardo Fragoso Gutiérrez, while Dr. María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte, Research Coordinator of the School of Bioethics, discussed "Bioethics, Gender, and the Person."
On the second day of activities, Dr. Ariana Cerón Apipilhuasco, coordinator of the Anáhuac Center for Clinical Simulation (CASIC), and Dr. María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte taught the Simulation and Bioethics Workshop “Código Mater,” a practical training space on the role of bioethics in medical decision-making.
The event concluded with Bishop Roberto Yenny García, who gave the keynote address "Abortion: Between Reproductive Autonomy, the Right to Life, and Conscientious Objection," followed by the closing ceremony and the meeting of the Anáhuac University Network, moderated by Dr. José Alberto Castilla.
Undoubtedly, the success of this conference was due to the wealth of presentations and the diversity of perspectives provided by physicians, bioethicists, and religious representatives.
The academic community eagerly awaits the Third International Congress on Bioethics, while recognizing and congratulating the speakers for their valuable contributions.

More information:
MPSS Ana Sofía García Hazas
MPSS Camile Bertrand Carpio
Facultad de Bioética