An interdisciplinary reflection inspired by the teachings of Pope Francis successfully closes the 2024 sessions.
On November 20, the Querida Amazonía study group held its monthly meeting with the participation of Dr. Agustín Ortega Cabrera, a renowned academic and professional in the fields of social sciences, theology and sociocultural development.
On this occasion, Dr. Ortega Cabrera gave a presentation entitled “Intelligences in an interdisciplinary approach from the teachings of Francis”, where he addressed key concepts that invite a deep ethical and spiritual reflection on current reality. During his presentation, he delved into various approaches to intelligence, starting with mediation and socio-analytical and critical intelligence, which focuses on how we perceive reality according to our intelligence and prioritizes ethics, placing reality above ideas.
He then explored mediation and ethical-affective hermeneutic intelligence, where he highlighted the integration of fundamental values such as the dignity of the person and the common good, essential to achieve unity that transcends any conflict. He also spoke about mediation and intelligence of praxis and the social, emphasizing the need for global solidarity and sustainable human development. Finally, he shared his vision of spiritual intelligence, which celebrates, evaluates and celebrates life and sees it from a joyful and hopeful perspective.
With this enriching session, the Querida Amazonía group concluded its activities for the year 2024, consolidating a space for dialogue, reflection and analysis around the thought of Pope Francis. This cycle of work has been fundamental to address contemporary challenges from an ethical, spiritual and transformative perspective, and the continuation of these dynamics is eagerly awaited next year.
You can watch the full session at: facebook.com/share/v/gNKnkmvYkBNEYeXT/
Don't miss past sessions here.
More information:
MPSS Ana Sofía García Hazas
MPSS Marcial Orlando Cabrera
Facultad de Bioética