On December 6, 2021, the Living Will Online Course began.
This course aims to generate spaces for learning, training, and reflection on decision-making about medical care at the end of life, identifying the living will as a tool to strengthen palliative care and the best accompaniment of patients.
It also seeks to train health personnel and people interested in the study of Living Will from the perspective of making decisions about medical care at the end of life and the laws that support it.
It also seeks to train health personnel and people interested in the study of Living Will from the perspective of decision-making in medical care at the end of life and the laws that support them.
The course is aimed at all people interested in the general themes of bioethics, palliative care, and bioethical problems at the end of life.
It is a self-instructional course via Google Classroom.
The duration is 50 hours, and the cost is $ 900 MXN.
More information
Más información:
Lorea Sagasti Pazos
Facultad de Bioética