Through conferences and presentations by prominent specialists, an enriching dialogue was promoted that reaffirmed the commitment of Anáhuac México in the ethical training of future professionals.
From October 7 to 11, 2024, Universidad Anáhuac México hosted the Intensive Week of the Doctorate in Bioethics, an event that brought together students and academics to exchange ideas and reflect on crucial topics in this field.
The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Lorena Martinez Verduzco, academic vice-rector of the Universidad Anáhuac México, Dr. Ingrid Garcia Solís, graduate director, Mtra. María Eugenia Cárdenas Cisneros, director of the Anáhuac Center for Leadership and Comprehensive Postgraduate Training (CALFIP), and Father Sameer Advavi, L.C., as special guest.
Throughout this day, conferences of great academic depth were presented. Dr. Aldebarán Toledo Fernández, professor-researcher at the School of Psychology of our Universidad Anáhuac México, opened the event with a presentation on the intersection between neuropsychology and bioethics, highlighting cognitive functions and their impact on the ability to make of decisions.
Dr. Luis Miguel Rodríguez Serrano offered an introductory presentation on neuroethics, in which he explored the neuron as a functional and anatomical unit. Likewise, Dr. Lorea Sagasti Pazos provided a reflection on the potential of drugs in cognitive improvement, a topic of increasing relevance in contemporary bioethics.
One of the most notable moments was the intervention of Dr. Martha Patricia Hernández Valdez, who analyzed the "bioethical elements of antisocial behavior" using a film as a reference that allowed a debate to be established. Dr. Francisco Revilla Pacheco delved into the "states of minimal consciousness and persistent vegetative state", while Dr. José Damián Carrillo Ruiz talked about "near-death experiences", which captured the attention of the assistants.
A key day of this event was Thursday, as presentations were presented that addressed pain, suffering and death from different perspectives. Dr. Alfredo Covarrubias Gómez began with the presentation “Pain in the person”, followed by Dr. José Alberto Castilla Barajas, who showed an anthropological approach to “Suffering in the person”.
Later, Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez reflected on "Freedom and responsibility in the use of painkillers", while Dr. José Marcos Feliz Castro presented an in-depth analysis of "Death in children." The day concluded with the intervention of Dr. Carrillo Ruiz, who discussed "Death in adults", providing valuable perspectives on this topic.
The closing was marked by an interactive workshop led by Dr. Samuel Weingerz, focused on the functioning of Hospital Bioethics Committees, in which participants analyzed real cases from the perspective of these committees, promoting a practical and collaborative approach that allowed the knowledge acquired to be put into practice.
Without a doubt, this Intensive Week was consolidated as an enriching and fundamental experience in the training of future bioethics professionals, since, in an environment of critical dialogue and respect for diverse perspectives, the commitment of the Universidad Anáhuac México was reaffirmed with the promotion of integrative and humanistic bioethics.

More information:
MPSS Victoria Abarzua
Facultad de Bioética