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Giovanna Monroy shares her joy at graduating from the Master's in Bioethics

Giovanna Monroy shares her joy at graduating from the Master's in Bioethics

Our graduate assures that studying this master's degree facilitated her acquisition of the philosophical, theological, humanistic, medical and jurisprudential knowledge necessary to achieve optimal preparation as a bioethicist.


On September 5, 2022, the graduation of the fifth and sixth generation of the Master's in Bioethics of our Faculty of Bioethics took place, an event in which we had the opportunity to interview the teacher Giovanna Monroy, recently graduated from the fifth generation, who is also doing his first year of residency in anesthesiology, to learn more about his experience during the master's degree.


Our graduate shared with us that her main motivation for studying the master's degree was to learn about the origins of the bioethical issues learned throughout her training as a medical surgeon; as well as analyze the moral philosophical foundations of Bioethics and health issues that generate controversy in our daily lives.


In addition, he assures that with the passage of time he realized the urgent need that the world has to have people who conduct themselves with ethical and human values ​​in all areas of life, as well as in the field of health and medicine: “The loss of empathy and of these values ​​has become increasingly evident with the passing of generations. Situation that I consider completely salvageable”.


Regarding the contribution that the Universidad Anáhuac México has given her, she commented that from the first day of her propaedeutic course, our University planted in her a human vocation eager for bioethical knowledge and with the desire to share it with society, honoring the motto Vence al Bad with Good: "His study program in Bioethics facilitated the acquisition of philosophical, theological, humanistic, medical and jurisprudential knowledge, necessary to achieve optimal preparation as a bioethicist."


Giovanna ended the interview by sharing that her best experience was successfully completing the study plan and graduating as a Bioethics teacher from her Alma mater, which allowed her to offer her parents an incomparable feeling of joy and gratitude.



Más información:
MPSS Ángela Pinilla
Facultad de Bioética