Along with the School of Health Sciences and the Clinical Simulation Coordination, they presented a new Nativity that led to reflection on the true meaning of Christmas.
As an annual tradition, Schools and Faculties of the Anahuac University Mexico, participated in the Nativity Contest, a call for community collaboration to reflect and represent the arrival of the baby Jesus, inviting him to enter our hearts .

In the year 1223, in Greccio, Italy, Saint Francis of Assisi represented the birth of Jesus for the first time. Inspired by his trip to the Holy Land, he used real figures and a terracotta baby Jesus, conveying the discomforts he had to face when being in a manger, among hay, an ox and a donkey. In this representation, evangelical simplicity shone, poverty was praised and humility was recommended. With his birth, Saint Francis of Assisi, included two important elements; the eucharist and preaching. The representation of the birth allows the baby Jesus to be resurrected in the hearts of many who have forgotten him.
The Nativity of the School of Bioethics was presented at the North Campus Simulation Center on Friday, December 8. To do this, the jury was invited to immerse themselves in the metaverse through the use of Oculus Quest glasses, creating a space for reflection within the world of virtual reality.
The simulation began in the context of a war, presenting a couple about to give birth who were not received in hospitals due to the conflict in which they found themselves, leading them to question the birth of their child in a context of war and suffering. From here, the invitation was made to reflect on the miracle of life, from conception, at any time, place and context, presenting a fetus in the metaverse.
The presentation culminated with the virtual nativity, creating a deeply emotional space for reflection and remembering that, somewhere in the world, the nativity scene continues to live every day. The importance of discussing how we can address our own battles, contribute to improving the world, and welcome Jesus into our hearts this Christmas was emphasized. Aware of the miracle of life and the application of what the transition from the figure represents to the experience of birth.

On Wednesday, December 14, during the University Christmas Celebration, the award ceremony for the contest took place. The School of Bioethics, along with the School of Health Sciences and the Clinical Simulation Coordination, obtained first place in the 2023 edition. A deserved recognition for the creativity and depth of the presentation, which led to reflection on the true meaning of Christmas.

The Nativity presentation was not only an opportunity for spiritual connection, but also represented an example of innovation and the scope of projects that can be achieved through collaboration and teamwork, creating synergy between the members of Bioethics, of Health Sciences and the Clinical Simulation Coordination. We hope that this is the beginning of many more joint projects to benefit spiritual, academic and student development.
Happy Holidays!
More information:
MPSS Silvia Becerra Castro
Facultad de Bioética