Celebrating Global Achievements: Graduates of the Master in Global Bioethics Online
Congratulations to our recent graduates! Your unwavering commitment and hard work to complete your master's degree inspire us all. Your achievements shine as a testament to the power of education and personal growth.
Atlanta Méndez presents an innovative approach to preventing sudden death in young athletes
During her degree exam, the Master's in Bioethics student successfully presented her bioethical proposal for the comprehensive prevention of cardiac pathologies in young high-performance athletes, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary care and collective awareness in the sports field.
VIII Winter Research Colloquium: Bioethical reflections for the common good
The School of Bioethics held its VIII Winter Research Colloquium, a space for meeting and dialogue where students of the PhD in Bioethics, together with researchers from various institutions, presented research advances on ethical, scientific and social issues of great impact.
We promote bioethical training at the Ángeles México Hospital
During November 2024, Martha Patricia Hernández Valdez, member of the School of Bioethics of the Anáhuac University of Mexico, directed the course “Introduction to Bioethics” given to 44 members of the health personnel of the Ángeles México Hospital, where Dr. Germán Carrero Chávez, Dr. Angélica Laurent Pavón and Dr. Margarita Otero Lamas also participated.
María Elizabeth de los Rios and José Sols publish the book Bioethics of Artificial Intelligence
This work delves into how the ethics of technology seeks to analyze the way in which technologies build or damage humanity, emphasizing the function of technology as a tool for human development and respect for human dignity.
Agustín Ortega Cabrera closes the annual cycle of Querida Amazonia
On this occasion, Dr. Ortega Cabrera gave a presentation entitled “Intelligences in an interdisciplinary approach from the teachings of Francis”, where he addressed key concepts that invite a deep ethical and spiritual reflection on current reality.
The Advisory Board of the Faculty of Bioethics defines challenges and advances for 2025
During this strategic meeting, important advances in academic programs, research, outreach, and the challenges facing the institution for this year were discussed. These proposals continue to position the Faculty as a leader in the training of bioethics specialists at a national and international level.
Bioethics wins the annual Nativity scene competition with an innovative message of hope
This December, Universidad Anáhuac México celebrated its traditional Annual Nativity Scene Contest, an event in which various schools participated under the theme “Hope.” This year, the School of Bioethics stood out by winning first place with an innovative nativity scene created exclusively with plants, symbolizing the virtues of each Christmas character.
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Advance Directives, Historical Review, Legislation and Perspectives on the Clinical Relationship Authors: Jorge Augusto Moncaleano Sáenz, Martha Patricia Rodríguez Sánchez DOI: https://doi.org/10.36105/mye.2024v35n4.06
This narrative review addresses the historical and legal evolution of advance directives globally and locally since their emergence. It starts from the principle of autonomy in modern bioethics and its relationship with the patient’s vulnerability, as well as the consideration of death by health professionals. It highlights the essential role of the advance directives document as a valuable tool in the physician-patient-family relationship, being fundamental to understanding the patient’s perspective. The document is defined considering the medical literature and its application is discussed, stressing the importance of not waiting until advanced clinical deterioration for its implementation. The review also examines national and international legislation, as well as current medical knowledge, with the aim of facilitating consensual decisions among all parties involved in patient care.
This article highlights one of the difficulties encountered in the reception of Humanae Vitae and Familiaris Consortio: the depth of the meaning of every conjugal act, its beauty and its explicit link with the Creator. This paradox provokes in the first place the faith of the baptized in the mystery of God, who is love and life, and in the second place the moral conscience. Would it not be too beautiful to be true? However, the union of spouses is first a religious act. The main doctrinal statement involves the union of the spouses and their parental responsibility. The true anthropological “cradle” of every human being is an act of interpersonal love. This act, rich and complex, has a double meaning: unitive and procreative. These meanings amalgamate with each other and translate the unity of persons who give themselves to each other. It is the great mystery that unites the spouses and God; and it is the place of a revelation.
Master in Global Bioethics M.S. online
Starting date: January 13th, 2025
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