Mr. Alvear is ALVEAR ARQUITECTOS founding partner and brings to the firm a vast experience in diverse type and size of architectural projects.
Since obtaining his Bachelor in Architecture from Universidad Iberoamericana in 1994 (with higher honours), Mr. Alvear has gained professional experience from projects of different categories: Hospitality, Residential, Mixed Use, Educational, Health, Corporate, Commercial, Government, Industrial and Master Planning.
Mr. Alvear holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering & Construction Management from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Bath, also in the UK.
Based on his professional experience Mr. Alvear believes that successful projects are the result of good planning and teamwork. Mr. Alvear is committed to achieve excellency, to which he suggests high interaction between Architects, Clients, Consultants and Contractors.
Before the foundation of the firm Mr. Alvear was Project Director for the NIZUC project in Cancun (formerly for Becker Arquitectos and later on for Brisas already as ALVEAR ARQUITECTOS) Before Nizuc, he was HOK Design Director for the global firm's Mexico City office.
Alvear has previously served in design and project management positions, through employment or affiliations with several prominent firms, including Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, England; WAT&G (Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo), California; and the Mexico practices of GICSA (Grupo Inmobiliario Cababie); and KMD (Kaplan-McLaughlin-Diaz).
Mr. Alvear has given lectures in architectural design since year 2000, at Iberoamericana University, Tec de Monterrey and Anahuac University in México; and abroad at the ETH in Zurich, the Liechtenstein Institute of Technology and Jonköping University in Sweden.
He has gained national and international publications, recognition and project design awards in Mexico, Italy, Brazil, USA, Costa Rica, South and North America and recently a world wide Award.
Professional, personal, architectural and academic extensive global travel - builds primarily into his humanistic life, as well as into a designer with a broader perspective and knowledge.
Consulta su trabajo: https://www.alveararquitectos.com/
Link Zoom de registro: https://redanahuac.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ihPPI4NTRhe-K-ateKELag