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We held the first semi-annual meeting of the lines of research in Neuroethics

Neuroethics and Neuroscience

Students interested in conducting research in Neuroethics and Neuroscience met with Dr. Damián Carillo to start the research project.


The first meeting of the lines of research in Neuroethics was held on September 14th, 2023, a space in which we had the participation of students from different countries and academic degrees who showed their interest in joining this academic project.


The objective of this meeting was to integrate those interested in carrying out research in the branch of Neuroethics, for which emerging and highly relevant topics were proposed, such as the bioethical implications of pain and suffering, psychosurgery, the neuroethical aspects of the person, bioethics and human consciousness, as well as the bioethical implications of neuro-COVID.


Dr. Damián Carillo, leader of this line of research, is a surgeon with an outstanding specialization in Functional Neurosurgery and Stereotaxy, in addition to having a doctorate in Bioethics from the Universidad Anáhuac México. He is co-founder of the BINCA group (Clinical Bioethics and Anáhuac Neuroethics) and has extensive experience in research, with at least 110 articles published, two books and 184 free works.


The BINCA group is made up of students, professors and researchers from a variety of careers, focused on the study of neurosciences and bioethics from the psychological, medical, neurological and legal fields.


If you want to join our team click on the following link: BINCA


Versión en español

More information:
Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez