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Rossana Nieto recognized for project on Menstrual Poverty in Austria

Rossana Nieto

Our graduate and academic presented at the Open Medical Institute in Salzburg, Austria, a proposal on a public policy aimed at combating menstrual poverty and improving access to menstrual health products and education in Mexico.


Dr. Rossana Nieto Vera (Surgeon, gen. '14), academic at the School of Health Sciences at the Universidad Anáhuac México, was recognized for her outstanding proposal to address menstrual poverty in Mexico. The recognition took place during the seminar “Strategies in Public Health” of the Open Medical Institute (OMI) and the Medical Alliance for Health (AMSA) in Salzburg, Austria, last December 2023.


During the seminar, she presented a project proposal on a public policy aimed at combating menstrual poverty and improving access to menstrual health products and education in Mexico, with her health educational platform Doctor Zito.


This condition, defined by the United Nations (UN) as “the inability to afford and access menstrual products, sanitation and hygiene facilities, and education and awareness to manage menstrual health,” affects many women and girls in the country.


Our graduate's proposal was recognized for its excellence and potential positive impact on the health and well-being of the female population in Mexico.




More information: 
Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI) 
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez