Experts in bioethics participated in a session with academics and students interested in the bioethical and biolegal significance of advance directives related to the topic of palliative care.
On October 10, 2023, the BINCA interest group (Clinical Bioethics and Neuroethics Anáhuac) held its second session of the semester titled "Beyond Advance Directives." This event featured the participation of Dr. Elvira Llaca and Dr. Angélica Laurent, experts in bioethics.
During the session, students and academics interested in the bioethical and biolegal implications of advance directives, especially in the context of palliative care.
The session was divided into three sections. Firstly, Dr. Elvira Llaca discussed the basics of informed consent and advance directives, highlighting the differences between these documents, their application, and their significance in clinical bioethics. On the other hand, Dr. Angélica Laurent talked about the legal background in healthcare regarding palliative care and advance directives, emphasizing the essential aspects necessary for both medical and legal processes. The last section served as a forum for addressing questions on the topic.
Dr. Elvira Llaca, who coordinates the Doctorate in Bioethics and the Palliative Care Program at Anáhuac University in Mexico, has worked as a professor in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, accumulating extensive experience in bioethics. Dr. Angélica Laurent serves as the academic coordinator of the Civil Law department at the same university and holds a master's degree in Teaching Skills and a diploma in Bioethics. Her areas of interest encompass legislation related to family and health, as well as bioethics.

It is worth noting that the BINCA group has been involved in academic discussions and interdisciplinary research since October 2014. It is affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Clinical Bioethics Project, which includes the faculties of Bioethics, Health Sciences, Psychology, Education, and Humanities at Anáhuac University in Mexico.
BINCA comprises students, professors, and researchers from various fields with a focus on the study of neurosciences and bioethics from psychological, medical, neurological, and legal perspectives.
Join the team here: anahuac.mx/mexico/CADEBI/binca
Más información:
Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez